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Celebrate █████ with some FOI-ghtening facts!

Celebrate █████ with some FOI-ghtening facts!

Spook up your Halloween with a dip into the dark side of FOIA courtesy of the federal government’s own numbers.

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Explore the aftermath of the CIA’s infamous "Halloween Massacre"

Explore the aftermath of the CIA’s infamous “Halloween Massacre”

The “Halloween Massacre,” the most horror movie-sounding thing to ever happen to the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bureaucratic nightmare that pushed out the Agency’s most senior employees. CIA officers were so outraged at the “massacre” that they reportedly responded with everything from screen-printing protest shirts, leaving graffiti in Agency buildings and even cussing out newly-appointed CIA Director Stansfield Turner (via telegram).

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UPDATED: Police warn against the dangers of marijuana candy, but report no incidents

UPDATED: Police warn against the dangers of marijuana candy, but report no incidents

Public agencies’ annual Halloween candy notices are prevalent across social media and news publications. Marijuana candy, in particular, increasingly dominates fearful headlines ahead of the holiday as more states legalize recreational use of the drug.

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EMS and law enforcement take on the living dead

EMS and law enforcement take on the living dead

Crisis training scenarios using volunteers dressed as zombies make make for incredible FOIA fodder.

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Short horror stories from the "Clownpocalypse" police logs

Short horror stories from the “Clownpocalypse” police logs

Amid the spate of random clown sightings around the country that made up the 2016 “Clownpocalyse,” Allan Lasser began filing for police incident reports regarding clowns. For Halloween, we’ve compiled a list of the most disturbing details to come out of those requests.

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