1971 SECRET CIA report declared Jerusalem was "an issue without prospects"

1971 SECRET CIA report declared Jerusalem was “an issue without prospects”

Agency memo to Kissinger notes that as early as 50 years ago, Israeli control of the city appeared “irreversible”

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Edited by Beryl Lipton

Nearly 50 years before President Trump’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, a SECRET Central Intelligence Agency report had already declared the issue of the city’s ownership a “stumbling block” which could sink the entire peace process, and worse, one “without prospects” for a solution.

The report, discovered in the CIA’s declassified archives, had been sent in a memo to then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as a refresher on then-recent history of Jerusalem’s occupation.

As one could glean from the title, the report was less than optimistic …

and comes to the rather glum conclusion that both sides seem “irreconcilable.”

Though it’s worth noting that Palestinians aren’t even given the dignity of a side.

As for what the nameless analyst would make of this week’s curveball, that’s anybody’s guess. Read the full report embedded below.

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