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June 8, 1967 Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty
9 Articles
The FBI considered planting a story painting “Ramparts” as anti-Semitic in response to CIA exposé
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s COINTELPRO investigation of Ramparts magazine appears to have been sparked by a combination of their exposés on Central Intelligence Agency, their contacts at press outlets like the Soviet-controlled TASS, and their interviews with foreign leaders and officials. The Bureau described these interviews as placing the Ramparts reporters as being “under the guidance of Egyptian propaganda and intelligence personnel” and felt that “the average reader” would see the resulting article as “pro-Nasser, anti-Israel and anti-U.S.” For the FBI’s San Francisco Field Office, this perception created an opportunity for the Bureau to sow dissent among Rampart’s staff, subscribers, and donors.
Incidents from the CIA archives and his FBI file underscore Bayard Rustin’s complexity
From defending the man who had blackmailed him out of the Southern Christian Leadership Council to serving as a character witness for Ariel Sharon, records from the Central Intelligence Agency and his Federal Bureau of Investigation file show civil rights icon Bayard Rustin was a man who couldn’t easily be categorized.
1971 SECRET CIA report declared Jerusalem was “an issue without prospects”
Nearly 50 years before President Trump’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, a SECRET Central Intelligence Agency report had already declared the issue of the city’s ownership a “stumbling block” which could sink the entire peace process, and worse, one “without prospects” for a solution.
Thanks to FOIA, you can (kinda) play the CIA’s collectible card game
Earlier this year, the Central Intelligence Agency hosted a panel at South by Southwest about the agency’s use of board games as a training exercise. Intrigued, MuckRock’s Mitchell Kotler filed a FOIA for materials used to play Collection Deck, a collectible card game shown in the presentation. Those materials just came in, and while there’s nothing to stop you from printing them out and playing, there just one tiny snag: several of the cards are redacted as a matter of national security.
Justice Department records confirm PROMIS scandal’s ties to Israel
Justice Department documents recently released by the National Archives confirm what some Inslaw witnesses have been saying for decades: that a copy of PROMIS software was given to Israel.
16 Requests
No Responsive Documents
1947 Alleged Truman Assassination Attempt
Michelle Kinnucan sent this request to the United States Secret Service of the United States of America
ADL counterterrorism training materials
Brian Waters sent this request to the Vermont State Police of Vermont
Awaiting Response
"All the [USS Liberty] material" in CIA Files
Joe Meadors sent this request to the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
T. McElwee sent this request to the United States Customs and Border Protection of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
JCS Msg Ordering USS Liberty to Station 100 Miles From Shore
Joe Meadors sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America