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DOJ ordered police notes contradicting the suicide narrative for Danny Casolaro be sealed

DOJ ordered police notes contradicting the suicide narrative for Danny Casolaro be sealed

An examination of the original handwritten police notes about the death of journalist Danny Casolaro contradict the official claims and conclusions of the Justice Department and the Special Counsel investigation led by Judge John Bua. The police notes, originally seized by the federal government and allegedly still under seal, undermine the narrative that Danny Casolaro committed suicide, and appear to provide corroboration that someone took his briefcase containing many of his notes and papers at the time of his death.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: The difficult task of tracking how Trump is profiting from the presidency

FOIAing the Trump Administration: The difficult task of tracking how Trump is profiting from the presidency

With mixed result, FOIA requesters have put a lot of effort into trying to track how Donald Trump is profiting from the presidency. This week, we’ll take a look at what FOIA has and hasn’t been able to reveal about Trump’s profits from foreign emoluments and government agencies’ use of his properties.

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The CIA assets that worked for Castro - and assassinated a Panamanian president

The CIA assets that worked for Castro - and assassinated a Panamanian president

Panama has a long history of coups and interventions involving the United States that go back to the establishment of the Panama Canal, some of which resulted in pro-U.S. governments, while other seemed to benefit Communist groups. Documents show that the confessed assassin of Panamanian President José Antonio Remón Cantera was a Central Intelligence Agency asset, and that at least one other CIA asset was on the scene and arrested at the time of the assassination in 1955. Both also share ties to the Cuban community, as well as vague connections to the JFK assassination - and one of them may have also been involved in a plot to kidnap and/or assassinate Vice President Spiro Agnew and CIA Director Richard Helms.

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CIA worked with White House to kill probe into Noriega's drug trafficking

CIA worked with White House to kill probe into Noriega’s drug trafficking

The Government Accountability Office investigations into Central Intelligence Agency-linked illegal activities are often stymied - a process well documented in files discussing the GAO’s attempt to investigate General Noriega’s ties to drug trafficking, and what the Intelligence Community knew, and when. Documents previously leaked to the Washington Post have now been declassified, confirming the Post’s reporting and providing new details about how CIA blocked all of GAO’s audits touching on any subject which required oversight.

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The Pentagon's failed experiment with its own press corps

The Pentagon’s failed experiment with its own press corps

After the Reagan administration barred journalists from covering the invasions of Grenada in 1983, a panel conjured the idea of using a Department of Defense sanctioned press corps to cover military activity. They actually gave it a shot during “Operation: Just Cause” in Panama, but quickly ran into the interference of then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, whose excessive concern over secrecy came at the expense of crucial coverage.

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