The CIA fax machines work again

The CIA fax machines work again

With end of government shutdown, federal agencies responding to FOIA requests again

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Edited by Michael Morisy

The government shutdown closed down the majority of FOIA offices, and put tens of thousands of open requests on ice. As federal employees return to work, responses to MuckRock users’ FOIA requests are pouring back in.

While the past three weeks have been kind to our mail quota, MuckRock is overjoyed to see the back of the shutdown. In particular, it’s great to see that agencies like the CIA have switched their fax machines back on.

CIA fax confirm

We’ve submitted a number of FOIA requests related to the shutdown itself, including asking for details on agencies’ decisions to deactivate their websites and the closing of the World War II Memorial. We’ll also be monitoring the long-term impact of the shutdown on FOIA response times, agency backlog and fee assessments.

Image via Flickr and is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0