Pre-Snowden NSA talking points put emphasis on protecting civil liberties

Pre-Snowden NSA talking points put emphasis on protecting civil liberties

Utah data center’s ribbon cutting ceremony stressed importance of a private/public “Team Cyber”

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Edited by George LeVines

A FOIA request for documents from a January 2011 ribbon cutting ceremony at the NSA’s new Utah data center has returned talking points emphasizing the agency’s commitment to civil liberties, private industry partnerships, and collaboration across the intelligence community.

The request generated 11 pages of talking points, delivered months before recent leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden showed a PowerPoint document detailing an NSA program, dubbed PRISM, that collected, analyzed and stored data from a number of private Internet companies.

The individual’s name who gave the ribbon cutting presentation was not included in the released documents.

Read the release embedded below, or on the request page.

Image by Trevor Paglen via Flickr and is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0