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Nine Days of FOIA Exemptions: b(6)

Nine Days of FOIA Exemptions: b(6)

With Sunshine Week just around the corner, we wanted to count down the days to our favorite time of year with a closer look at what’s going on behind the black bars: the nine federal FOIA exemptions. Today, b(6): the privacy exemption.

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How FOIA can offer the public a peek into the government's secret meetings

How FOIA can offer the public a peek into the government’s secret meetings

Buzzfeed and Pacific Standard Magazine report on questionable meetings by the state of Missouri to acquire lethal injection drugs and industry groups influencing government officials regarding a bird species in peril. Plus, a tool often used in the movies for keeping people quiet can also serve as a method of redaction!

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CIA wishes you a safe and happy █████ season

CIA wishes you a safe and happy █████ season

Thanks to the plenty of duplicates that can end up in the Central Intelligence Agency’s CREST archive, a cryptic version of the Agency’s December 20th, 1985 greetings to its worldwide employees is actually available in nearly-full format and available for reuse in your holiday-themed office-wide newsletter.

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Thanks to FOIA, you can (kinda) play the CIA's collectible card game

Thanks to FOIA, you can (kinda) play the CIA’s collectible card game

Earlier this year, the Central Intelligence Agency hosted a panel at South by Southwest about the agency’s use of board games as a training exercise. Intrigued, MuckRock’s Mitchell Kotler filed a FOIA for materials used to play Collection Deck, a collectible card game shown in the presentation. Those materials just came in, and while there’s nothing to stop you from printing them out and playing, there just one tiny snag: several of the cards are redacted as a matter of national security.

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Boo(6): Halloween costume ideas from FOIA

Boo(6): Halloween costume ideas from FOIA

Not sure what to go for this Halloween? MuckRock staff dug through their archives to find 13 of the spooookiest costumes the public domain has to offer.

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