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2 Projects

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Must-Seethe TV: FCC Complaints

Everybody's a critic. And now, thanks to the FCC's easy online complaint submission form, it's never been easier to direct those criticisms to the people that need to hear it most - the United States Federal government. This project aims to collect all the FCC complaints generated by the most critically-acclaimed programs on cable and network television ... as well as plenty of those less critically-acclaimed guilty pleasures at you still don't want to see cancelled any time soon.

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Human Experimentation in Philadelphia

University of Pennsylvania neuroscientists have been implanting hundreds of human test subjects with advanced neurological devices based on wirelessly controlled nanotechnology and conducting wide arrays of experiments on them within the DARPA Restoring Active Memory (RAM) project among other neuroscience related efforts. This project exists to determine how many human test subjects are involved, the precise technical nature and capabilities of the implants, test subject demography, and whether the test subjects are being experimented upon consensually and ethically.

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56 Articles

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Which federal agencies regulate holiday shopping?

Which federal agencies regulate holiday shopping?

As this holiday shopping season reaches its climax, we thought we’d take you for a stroll past some of the federal government agencies that make sure things run smoothly and the types of records they might handle.

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Super Bowl LIII FCC complaints are mostly people mad about Adam Levine's nipples

Super Bowl LIII FCC complaints are mostly people mad about Adam Levine’s nipples

Federal Communications Commission complaints about the Super Bowl are an annual tradition here at MuckRock, and after a string of rather lackluster offerings in recent years, we’re happy to report that the latest batch shows the country is back in fine moral outrage form.

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The strangest FOIA redactions (and FOIA releases) MuckRock has seen over the years

The strangest FOIA redactions (and FOIA releases) MuckRock has seen over the years

After nine years and over 60,000 requests, MuckRock has been witness to some pretty impressive efforts to keep public information from the public. In the spirit of Sunshine Week, we’ve compiled some of the weirdest, wildest, and downright hilarious rejections we’ve received.

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The FCC backs down, releases emails related to Ajit Pai's "Harlem Shake" video

The FCC backs down, releases emails related to Ajit Pai’s “Harlem Shake” video

Almost a year ago to the day, I filed a FOIA request with the Federal Communications Commission for emails related to the now-infamous Ajit Pai Harlem Shake video. Today, those records were finally released, revealing just how how far the agency would go to fight accountability over even the stupidest issue.

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FCC complaints accuse Jim Acosta of "disrespecting the president"

FCC complaints accuse Jim Acosta of “disrespecting the president”

A handful of complaints received by the Federal Communications Commission on the day of Jim Acosta’s now-infamous press conference accuse CNN of creating a “climate of mistrust and violence” by promoting, you guessed it, “fake news.”

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21 Requests

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