MuckRock needs volunteers to keep government open to all

MuckRock needs volunteers to keep government open to all

We need in-state assistants to help file in states that block outsiders

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Edited by JPat Brown

Apologies to anyone who signed up before 12/1 - the form we originally used wasn’t working, so nobody’s information was registered. Apologies for the inconvenience, and happy to say that new form works like a dream. Email us at if you have any questions.

A little over two years ago, after a Supreme Court decision ruled that states could restrict public records to their own citizens, we launched a network of volunteers to help journalists, researchers, and activists continue to file requests. The work that’s resulted has been critical to informing the public — but we need your help to keep it going.

Our goal is to have two volunteers in every state willing to sign their names to requests in the instances where agencies reject requests from out of state requesters. Over dozens of requests across the country, as part of projects like the Private Prison Project and Street Level Surveillance, the results have been incredible: critical oversight and accountability that was only possible thanks to these volunteers.

But people move, circumstances change, and we need more volunteers to keep the good work going. Volunteering is easy - most likely, you won’t have to do anything but agree to be named as the official requester when an agency rejects a request from an out-of-state MuckRocker. Occasionally, we might ask you to help us work with the agency to verify your in-state status, but this happens just a few times a year.

You’ll be a key piece in a variety of fun, vital accountability projects — and all you have to do is is volunteer. In addition, as a small token of our thanks, we give all of our in-state volunteers free Pro MuckRock accounts to work on your own projects.

We are currently looking for volunteers in the following states:

  • Alabama (Need one volunteer)
  • Arkansas (Need one volunteer)
  • Delaware (Need two volunteers)
  • Georgia (Need two volunteers)
  • Missouri (Need one volunteer)
  • New Hampshire (Need two volunteers)
  • New Jersey (Need two volunteers)

If you’re interested, just use this form to put in your information:

Thanks so much for your continuing support in keeping government open.

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