From redacted to reblogged: ODNI posts previously withheld Snowden emails to Tumblr

From redacted to reblogged: ODNI posts previously withheld Snowden emails to Tumblr

Security exemptions apparently don’t apply to social media presence

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Edited by JPat Brown

In 2013 the National Security Agency rejected  a request for Edward Snowden’s emails to superiors, as well as his employee reviews.

But a year later, after Snowden claimed he emailed his superiors with concerns, the Office of the Director of Intelligence posted one of those emails to its Tumblr.

Perhaps if the NSA had released the documents earlier, it could have headed off Snowden’s claims — or confirmed their legitimacy.

Read the full rejection letter embedded below, or on the request page:

Image via Flickr and is licensed under CC BY 2.0