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Read the FBI's guide to Mardi Gras

Read the FBI’s guide to Mardi Gras

In response to a FOIA request, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has released several years worth of Special Event Threat Assessments regarding Mardi Gras, which as the Bureau repeatedly reminds us “literally means ‘Fat Tuesday’.” These mostly redacted reports warn of potential danger from religious fundamentalists, white supremacists, and, oddly enough, Occupy Mardi Gras

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Joint Terrorism Task Force shared intelligence on Aryan Nations, Anonymous … and Occupy Wall Street

Joint Terrorism Task Force shared intelligence on Aryan Nations, Anonymous … and Occupy Wall Street

Back in 2011, the FBI’s Memphis field office hosted an intelligence briefing for the local Joint Terrorism Task Force. Topics included the latest issue of Inspire magazine, “white powder” letters, and updates on the notorious domestic terror groups Aryan Nations, Anonymous, and Occupy Wall Street.

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Requester's Voice: Laura Rótolo

Requester’s Voice: Laura Rótolo

Laura Rótolo is a lawyer and advocate at the Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. For this week’s Requester’s Voice, we caught up with Rótolo to discuss the ACLUM’s lawsuit against the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office over records related to the Massachusetts Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Boston Marathon bombing.

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