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Release Notes: Contributing to MuckRock's open source efforts

Learn how to get started with contributing to MuckRock and FOIA Machine source code or just take a peek under the hood at how the site operates as well as the newest features.

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An upside down stock photo of documents in Russian and manilla envelopes.

Release Notes: Making it easier to sort, filter and reprocess document OCR

Since our last release notes, we released a new Add-On OCR Tagger that allows you to tag your document(s) based on the OCR engine used and we added better logging for when scheduled Add-Ons like Klaxon or Scraper get disabled. This helps more easily diagnose and correct outages that impact Add-Ons.

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Release Notes: Better looking article images, more shareable request templates, and DocumentCloud improvements

Release Notes: Better looking article images, more shareable request templates, and DocumentCloud improvements

The tech team has been busy working on improvements to both our FOIA filing platform as well as DocumentCloud, our document analysis and hosting tool. For MuckRock, we gave a nice graphical bump to our article images — doubling the resolution — and fixed a bug that prevented sharing cloned request links with logged-out users. With DocumentCloud, the incorrectly labeled “rotate” button now does what it says on the tin. Plus: More localized versions coming soon!

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Release Notes: DocumentCloud accounts for everyone plus entity extraction beta and scheduled publication

Release Notes: DocumentCloud accounts for everyone plus entity extraction beta and scheduled publication

It’s been a while since we’ve published release notes, but we have a lot to share, including improvements to our crowdsourcing Assignments tool and a number of new DocumentCloud features.

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Release Notes: MuckRock docs get an upgrade, simpler WordPress embeds, and a bug fix

Release Notes: MuckRock docs get an upgrade, simpler WordPress embeds, and a bug fix

This week, we upgraded older document embeds on MuckRock and released a small timesaver for DocumentCloud users.

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Release Notes: The return of project embeds and much more on DocumentCloud

Release Notes: The return of project embeds and much more on DocumentCloud

One of DocumentCloud’s marquee features has always been the ability to embed documents within articles and other webpages. Now you can embed whole collections of documents for readers to browse.

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