2023 roster (DMV police)

Brian Waters filed this request with the Department of Motor Vehicles of Vermont.


From: Brian Waters


This is a request under the Vermont Public Records Act. I am seeking a roster of all sworn law enforcement officers currently at the DMV, under the Enforcement & Safety division or elsewhere. I am interested in both full- and part-time officers.

For each officer, I am seeking the following information:
- Name
- Badge or other ID number
- Rank
- Job title, if applicable
- Unit assignment, if applicable
- Start date
- Birth date (or year of birth)
- Gender
- Race or ethnicity
- 2022 salary
- 2022 overtime pay

If it is possible to provide the data in a machine-readable form, such as CSV, Excel, SQL database, etc, that is strongly preferred and greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Brian Waters

From: Department of Motor Vehicles

Good Morning,

Please accept this email as receipt of your record request. The DMV will reply as soon as possible.

Shannon Fassett | Section Manager
Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles
120 State St | Montpelier, VT 05603
802-828-2066 office | 802-828-2170 fax


Governor Scott is committed to making the most of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a stronger, brighter future across Vermont. Learn more about his proposals, what is at risk, and how to get involved by visiting governor.vermont.gov/FY24Budget.

From: Department of Motor Vehicles

Good Morning,

In response to your request, the DMV is invoking a time extension pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 318(a)(5), which authorizes additional time when the DMV must "search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from the office processing the request", and must " search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are demanded in a single request. The DMV will reply as soon as possible, but no later than 8/8/23.

Shannon Fassett | Section Manager
Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles
120 State St | Montpelier, VT 05603
802-828-2066 office | 802-828-2170 fax


Governor Scott is committed to making the most of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a stronger, brighter future across Vermont. Learn more about his proposals, what is at risk, and how to get involved by visiting governor.vermont.gov/FY24Budget.

From: Brian Waters

Thank you, Shannon.

Brian Waters

From: Department of Motor Vehicles

Good Afternoon,

Please find attached the documents that partially satisfies and completes this Public Records Act request. Employee ID is redacted in the second attachment, pursuant to 1 VSA § 317(c)(7). The third attachment only contains pages of the DMV Organization Chart that pertain to sworn law enforcement officers.


