2023 game wardens roster

Brian Waters filed this request with the Fish and Wildlife of Vermont.


From: Brian Waters


This is a request under the Vermont Public Records Act. I am seeking a roster of all sworn law enforcement officers currently at Vermont Fish and Wildlife. I am interested in both full- and part-time officers.

For each officer, I am seeking the following information:
- Name
- Badge or other ID number
- Rank
- Job title, if applicable
- Their area of responsibility and/or which VTF&W office they work out of
- Start date
- Birth date (or year of birth)
- Gender
- Race or ethnicity
- 2022 salary
- 2022 overtime pay

If it is possible to provide the data in a machine-readable form, such as CSV, Excel, SQL database, etc, that is strongly preferred and greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Brian Waters

From: Fish and Wildlife

Good afternoon Mr. Waters,

Please see the attached document with the current wardens' names, call #, start of service date, gender, and race. We have redacted birthdates pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 317(c)(10) and the policy articulated in I V.S.A. § 315(a), specifically that everyone has "a right to privacy in their personal and economic pursuits, which ought to be protected unless specific information is needed to review the action of a governmental officer." You have the right to appeal the redaction (withholding) to the Secretary of the Agency by contacting Ed.McNamara@vermont.gov<mailto:Ed.McNamara@vermont.gov>.

Also attached is the list of wardens and their salaries in 2022, including overtime pay.

The areas of assignment can be seen here on our website: Contact a Warden | Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (vtfishandwildlife.com)<https://vtfishandwildlife.com/contact/contact-a-warden>.

More information about the Warden Service and the responsibilities of wardens can be seen here: Warden Service Division | Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (vtfishandwildlife.com)<https://vtfishandwildlife.com/about-us/department-divisions/warden-service-division>.


Abigail Connolly (she/her) | Principal Assistant to Commissioner Herrick
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources | Department of Fish & Wildlife
1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 | Montpelier, VT 05620
802-828-1454 (o) | 802-636-7414 (c)

Written communications to and from state employees regarding state business are considered public records and may be subject to public scrutiny.

From: Brian Waters

Ms. Connolly,

Thank you very much for your work on this, this is just what I was looking for. However, I noticed you redacted the entire birth date field, and not just the month and day. I certainly agree that specific birth dates are private information, but I think that simply providing a birth year, which establishes a person's age, is important demographic information, along the same lines as race or gender. Additionally, I have been able to get this information from other agencies in the past, and so I believe the precedent establishes that a person's birth year (notwithstanding their precise birth day) is public information.

To that end, I am wondering if you would provide a copy of the roster document, but with the redaction slightly reduced, to reveal the birth year (but not day or month) of each officer.

Thanks for your consideration (and for your work on this so far),
Brian Waters

From: Fish and Wildlife

Good afternoon Mr. Waters,

Please see the requested document with the birth year included and the day/month redacted.


Abigail Connolly (she/her) | Principal Assistant to Commissioner Herrick
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources | Department of Fish & Wildlife
1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 | Montpelier, VT 05620
802-828-1454 (o) | 802-636-7414 (c)

Written communications to and from state employees regarding state business are considered public records and may be subject to public scrutiny.

From: Brian Waters

Thank you very much Ms. Connolly.

Brian Waters


