San Diego PD Social Media Surveillance

Aaron Cantú filed this request with the San Diego Police Department of San Diego, CA.


From: Aaron Cantú

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (California Government Code §§ 6250), I hereby request a copy of all records or portions thereof pertaining to, or containing the following:

1. All records regarding the purchase of, acquisition of, installation of, subscription to, payment for, or agreements concerning software designed to access information from social media services;

2. All records that contain any information about the functioning of software designed to access information from social media services that is used or has been used by the San Diego Police Department;

3. All records regarding correspondence about or with a company that offers software designed to access information from social media services, including but not limited to all correspondence about or with the companies Brightplaent, Geofeedia, Intrado Inc, LifeRaft, Magnet Forensics, Media Sonar, Signal Corporation, and ZeroFOX;

4. All records regarding the policies that govern access to or use of software designed to access information from social media services;

5. All training materials and all records used to instruct members of your agency in the proper use of software designed to access information from social media services or of the information such software is capable of accessing;

6. All records regarding the sharing with entities outside the San Diego Police Department of information obtained from or obtained by using software designed to access information from social media services;

7. All records referencing social media profiles, comments, posts, messages, or events accessed or retained from social media services through use of software designed o access information from social media services.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public through the public information service, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Aaron Cantú

From: Williams, Colleen

Dear: Aaron Cantu

This e-mail is to inform you that the City Clerk's Office has received your Public Records Act request of January 28, 2016 reflecting your request for Various San Diego PD Social Media Surveillance.

This office follows City procedures in processing such requests. The initial step in those procedures is to forward a request to City Administration, which then assigns it to the appropriate responsible department for action. Once your request has been assigned, you should hear from the individual who is responding to it.

Please be aware that it may not be staff from the City Clerk's Office who will be responding.

In the meantime, should you have questions about the status of your request, I will be happy to reply with any information I may have about it. Please refer to the following City Clerk's tracking number when you contact me: CCPRA 2016-0141

When requesting information pursuant to the Public Records Act, please address email to to ensure that it is processed promptly.

Thank You.

Colleen Williams
Clerical Assistant ll
City of San Diego
Office of the City Clerk

(T) 619-533-4036

From: Fields-Bernard, Lea

Mr. Cantu,

Attached please find the City's response to your recent Public Records Act request.

Kind regards,

Lea Fields-Bernard
Public Records Act Request Coordinator
Human Resources Department
City of San Diego
1200 Third Avenue, Suite 1316
San Diego, CA 92101
T (619) 533-6504
M (619) 846-0681


~ A world-class city for all ~

From: Aaron Cantú


Thanks so much for your help with this request! I really appreciate it.

Aaron Cantú


