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This week’s FOIA round-up: Records show gender disparity in Congressional nominees, Chicago Police profiled citizens who spoke at board meetings, and an Oregon judge undercuts state public records law

This week’s FOIA round-up: Records show gender disparity in Congressional nominees, Chicago Police profiled citizens who spoke at board meetings, and an Oregon judge undercuts state public records law

In this week’s FOIA round-up, analysis shows that men still vastly outnumber women in Congressional nominations to service academies, the Chicago Tribune obtained documents revealing that Chicago Police Department has been compiling profiles on citizens who spoke at their monthly board meetings, and an Oregon judge’s recent ruling could have a disastrous impact on the state’s public records law.

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Most campus records at private colleges remain protected from public disclosure

Most campus records at private colleges remain protected from public disclosure

Recent police calls on people of color remind us that private universities operate on accountability mechanisms different than their public counterparts.

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The CIA college tour: The Ivy League

The CIA college tour: The Ivy League

As part of back-to-school week, we combed through the CIA archives to find connections between colleges and the Agency. Today, we’re looking at the Ivy League.

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