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DOI records slated for disposal

The Department of Interior wants to destroy a huge amount of records. This request preserves them all. See background info here: https://altgov2.org/doi-records-destruction/

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20 Articles

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Help improve transparency by taking the federal FOIA Advisory Committee requester survey

Help improve transparency by taking the federal FOIA Advisory Committee requester survey

As part of its work in compiling recommendations for the improvement of the federal Freedom of Information Act, the federal FOIA Advisory Committee has created a survey with a few simple questions for FOIA requesters.

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Help explore Judi Bari’s 3,000+ page FBI file

Help explore Judi Bari’s 3,000+ page FBI file

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released more than 3,000 pages of its files on the activist and Earth First! organizer Judi Bari, with more on the way. We need your help going through it.

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The strangest FOIA redactions (and FOIA releases) MuckRock has seen over the years

The strangest FOIA redactions (and FOIA releases) MuckRock has seen over the years

After nine years and over 60,000 requests, MuckRock has been witness to some pretty impressive efforts to keep public information from the public. In the spirit of Sunshine Week, we’ve compiled some of the weirdest, wildest, and downright hilarious rejections we’ve received.

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My FOIA request will outlive me

My FOIA request will outlive me

The good news is we found Frank Wilkinson’s 132,000 page Federal Bureau of Investigation file. The bad news is you probably won’t get a chance to read it.

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Where in the world is Frank Wilkinson's FBI file?

Where in the world is Frank Wilkinson’s FBI file?

When we first requested the 132,000 page Federal Bureau of Investigation file for activist Frank Wilkinson, the FBI first claimed they couldn’t find it, then directed us to the National Archives and Records Administration. But when NARA tracked down the file, it turned out to be empty. So where is it?

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19 Requests

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