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gas leaks

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Five environmental impacts of the EPA changing under Trump

Five environmental impacts of the EPA changing under Trump

Last week, Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, traveled to Sycamore, Pennsylvania and, speaking before the coal miners at Harvey Mine, announced that the EPA would be advancing a “Back-to-Basics” agenda in the new administration. But what does that really mean?

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Two years later, Massachusetts municipalities are much more transparent about their gas leaks

Two years later, Massachusetts municipalities are much more transparent about their gas leaks

MuckRock’s most recent survey for greater Boston gas leak information has received relevant responses from two-fifths of surveyed municipalities, a marked improvement over responses from two years ago, when many municipalities claimed to have little to no information on the locations and plans for repair of natural gas leaks in their neighborhoods.

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Boston City Council moves to plug holes in gas leaks law

Boston City Council moves to plug holes in gas leaks law

In the wake of Boston’s move to clamp down on leaks, MuckRock is re-surveying area towns for their plans to tackle natural gas waste and pollution at home.

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The role public records can play in pipeline protests

The role public records can play in pipeline protests

The estimated $3.7 billion Dakota Access Pipeline has been a flashpoint at the intersection of concerns environmental, tribal, and corporate. To help bolster this and future conversations, MuckRock would like to remind you of the ways public records can help shed light on pipeline plans near and far.

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Massachusetts, what is your town doing about gas leaks?

Massachusetts, what is your town doing about gas leaks?

Pipes set long ago are prone to leaks, and gas companies and government alike are privy to the fact. Talks of new natural gas lines continue, but what of maintaining our existing ones?

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