agency responded to me directly not through muckrock
Asked by Jude Ahern on December 20, 2017.
1 answer from Michael Morisy.
Related requestAwaiting Acknowledgement
Wellfleet Police Practice of Running License Plates for Shellfishing
Jude Ahern sent this request to the Wellfleet Town Clerk of Wellfleet, MA
I want it to be through Muckrock so that others can search for it. Also, they did not specify the exemption (just said such records don’t exist, is that enough?) and didn’t tell me that I could file an appeal which I think they are required to do. I asked them to reply through Muckrock, is that what I should have done? Also, the did reply to a couple that are “awaiting acknowledgement”, is there a way to note that they are completed? I need to tidy up my request area. Thanks!
Sorry for the delay! Can you forward the response, if via email, to and we can get it attached?
You should be able to click “edit” next to the “current status” section of any page to correct, or if something requires more staff attention the “Get Help” button can be used to notify us.
Thanks Jude, and let me know if you have other questions.