Halloween is over, the descent to Thanksgiving and December begun, but there’s still everyday joy to be brought on by the ridiculousness of costume, primarily where pets are concerned.
Always in the market for images of animals looking silly, MuckRock wants you to share your pretty baby pupper photos with us as we embark on a new phase of one of our longest-running beats: nationwide dog and pet names and breeds.
Many cities around the country require pet owners to register their canine companions. What’s the most popular breed in your town? Could chihuahuas beat out pitbulls and unthrone labs as the American dog of choice? Are we in the midst of a French (Bulldog) Invasion?
Help us find out!
Submit your town below. Alternatively, send us a picture of your disguised doggo, and we might feature your furchild in one of our upcoming articles! Check out all of our requests on the project page and test your knowledge of popular pups below!
Las Vegas
Take a chance. Which breed takes the top spot with nearly twice as many as next most common canine?

The chihuahua is also the fan favorite in [Los Angeles](https://www.muckrock.com/foi/los-angeles-91/los-angeles-pet-licensing-38532/), where labradors and German Shepherds round out the top three spots.
Who loves Pitbulls?
The pitbull is the second most commonly reported dog breed in Las Vegas. The people of which other top-ten U.S. city also choose pitbulls most frequently?

Newton, Massachusetts
Which is this Boston suburb’s four-legged buddy of choice?
It’s the labrador!

[Photo source: George W. Bush Archives](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/vicepresident/photoessays/2008/Oct/index.html)
Like much of the States, the laid back lab is the most common pick for this early American settlement.
Burlington, Vermont
The largest city in Vermont is home to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and Senator Bernie Sanders. It also claims more mixed breed dogs than other breeds and an affinity for lab mixes and terrier mixes. Which hypoallergenic crossbreed dog is also a top contender for favorite canine?
The labradoodle!

[Photo source: Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/en/labradoodle-dog-puppy-cute-2525664/)
Jersey City, New Jersey
Pitbulls may be the most popular pup by a longshot, but what toy-sized companion makes a solid showing in the number 2 spot
Making appearances on the top ten lists across the country, the Shih Tzu is in close competition with the Yorkshire Terrier for the Jersey City small dog of choice.

[Photo source: Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/100133308@N07/22281044559)
Submit your town below and check out our other canine-related Assignment.
Image via Yokota Air Base