Just in time for the 250th anniversary of the very first FOIA law, it’s our weekly series looking at the stories public records made possible.
- 250 Años de la Primera Ley de Libertad de Información by Samuel Bonilla
Apple has been secretly meeting with the FDA for years by Kif Leswing via Business Insider
EPA’s late changes to fracking study downplay risk of drinking water pollution by Scott Tong and Tom Scheck via Marketplace
FBI may have also been investigating Trump by Jason Leopold via VICE
New stash of legal opinions detail hurdles for Trump on emoluments ban by Josh Gerstein via Politico
Pentagon Drops Harmful Secrecy Language from Final Bill via POGO
How The Sacramento Bee caught a college boss whitewashing her online record by Kelly Hinchcliffe via Poynter
Marion, Massachusetts in legal battle to protect ID of benefactor by Michael J. DeCicco via South Coast Today
Wyoming Supreme Court: OK to charge to see public records by Ben Neary via AP
- Reclaim the Records: Using Freedom of Information Laws for Genealogical and Archival Research Dec 15, 6:30PM at the New York Center for Jewish History
Want to see a story in the round-up? Email us at info@muckrock.com
Image via CIA Flickr