2023 instructors roster

Brian Waters filed this request with the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council of Vermont.
Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: Brian Waters


This is a request under the Vermont Public Records Act. I am seeking a roster of all sworn law enforcement officers currently at the Vermont Criminal Justice Council. This could include instructors at the academy, but also any other officers employed at the agency. I am interested in both full- and part-time officers, as well as both corrections and traditional officers.

For each officer, I am seeking the following information:
- Name and ID/badge number (if applicable)
- Rank and/or job title
- Start date
- Gender, race/ethnicity, and year of birth
- 2022 salary and overtime pay

If it is possible to provide the data in a machine-readable form, such as CSV, Excel, SQL database, etc, that is strongly preferred and greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Brian Waters

From: Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council

Dear Brian,

My apologies for the delay in responding to your records request. Your request filed on July 27th was emailed to a staff member who was on vacation for a few days. She forwarded your request to me yesterday.

At the Vermont Police Academy, we have a number of staff members who are sworn law enforcement officers but the majority of our instructors are not employed by the Vermont Police Academy. Most of our instructors are employed by law enforcement agencies throughout the state who are, in essence, loaned to the Academy to teach specific courses.

If your request is limited to officers employed by the Vermont Police Academy, I should be able to pull the information together within a day or two. If your request includes the instructors who are not employed by the Vermont Policy Academy, that request will take a little longer as our administrative assistant is on vacation this week. In addition, VPA does not have the salary information for our non-VPA instructors within our records. You would need to request that information directly from the officer's agency.

Please clarify whether your request is for our employees specifically or for all of our instructors.

Best wishes,

Kim McManus
Assoc. General Counsel
Vermont Criminal Justice Council
317 Academy Road
Pittsford, VT
802-483-2741 (Office)
802-779-4508 (Mobile)

From: Brian Waters

Hi Kim, thanks so much for your explanation here, and no problem on the timing. I had thought that a hybrid arrangement, as you described, might in fact be the case at VCJC. In that case, I'd like to clarify my request to ask only for staff members employed by VCJC.

(And to clarify, I'm still interested in both full- and part-time, and both corrections and traditional law enforcement, to the extent that applies to VCJC staff.)

Thank you,
Brian Waters

From: Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council

Great. I will get started on your request as clarified. i may be able to get everything to you by tomorrow. If not then by Monday.


From: Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council

Hi Brian,

I am not sure what I did wrong but I replied to this request on the 8th with all of the information requested except payroll. It's not in this queue of responses so I must not have saved it or submitted it. That's frustrating.

I'll re write my response later this morning once I find my notes.

Apologies. This was fulfilled in my mind.


From: Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council

Hi Brian,

I just submitted my reply via this website but I do not see the response in the queue. I thought I had submitted this earlier on August 8th as well.

If you do not receive today's submission, could I please reply by email to you directly so that I can fulfill this request.

Thank you,


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