Uber Driver Class Action Discovery vs. RMV Audit

William Fernandes filed this request with the Department of Public Utilities of Massachusetts.
Est. Completion Nov. 27, 2019
Payment Required

Crowdfund Request: Uber Driver Class Action Discovery vs. RMV Audit

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Help cover the request fees needed to free these docs! The scandal about Uber drivers and issues with the Department of Public Utilities TNC division.

Backed by 1 person.

$25.00 raised out of $1,610.00.

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From: William Fernandes

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

Uber Driver Class Action Discovery vs. RMV Audit

For the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Transportation Network Company Division located at : One Station, Fifth Floor,Boston,MA

Please produce the following records:

1.Number of TNC Background appeals entered for the dates October 28th 2019 to November 1, 2019

2.Number of times email correspondence was sent from the masspu.com email server using the mask: donotreply@massdpu.com

3. Number of appeals, received as well as resolved and or subject to adjudication during the time period specified.

4. Copies of all emails sent and received to the email account: dputncappeal@state.ma.us for the duration specified above in #1.

5. Copies of all emails sent and received to the email account: dputncquestions@state.ma.us
For the time period specified in #1.

Due to flags being raised by multiple Uber Partners and Staff members in relation to allegations of misconduct including unprofessional and or unethical conduct which has resulted in lost wages and reimbursements based on this MuckRock.com reporters independent sources; I feel the production of said evidence requested is in the public interest.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as we believe this request is in the public interest, as suggested but not stipulated by the recommendations of the Massachusetts Supervisor of Public Records. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

I expect the request to be filled in an accessible format, including for screen readers, which provide text-to-speech for persons unable to read print. Files that are not accessible to screen readers include, for example, .pdf image files as well as physical documents.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


William Fernandes

From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes:

Please see the attached.


Carline L. Lemoine
Records Access Officer
Paralegal Specialist

Department of Public Utilities
Legal Division
One South Station, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Direct Dial: (617) 305-3532
E-Mail: Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov<mailto:Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov>

From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes:

Please contact me at the number below, as soon as possible, regarding your request.

Thank you.


Carline L. Lemoine
Records Access Officer
Paralegal Specialist

Department of Public Utilities
Legal Division
One South Station, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Direct Dial: (617) 305-3532
E-Mail: Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov<mailto:Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov>

From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes:

Please see the attached.


Carline L. Lemoine
Records Access Officer
Paralegal Specialist

Department of Public Utilities
Legal Division
One South Station, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Direct Dial: (617) 305-3532
E-Mail: Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov<mailto:Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov>

From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes:

Please see the attached.
Best regards,

Jeffrey M. Leupold
Counsel III
Department of Public Utilities
One South Station
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 305-3684

From: William Fernandes

I wanted to reference you prior cooperation in fulfilling another request... in asking for reconsideration in the waiver of costs as the disclosure is in the public interest.


From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes:

Please see the attached.
Best regards,

Jeffrey M. Leupold
Counsel III
Department of Public Utilities
One South Station
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 305-3684

From: William Fernandes

Request for Supervisory review / Appeal.
As stated in the correspondence to and from the request is not for personal gain and a public interest does exist in the dissemination of the information.

Pursuant to sunshine laws related to Foia: Employees manpower is routinely used in the basis of providing transparency in government operations; which would be normal course of business operations expenses.

This also allows the State Entity to free itself from potential conflicts of interest in the subject matter by lawful disclosure.

Inter Alia


From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes:

Please see the attached.


Carline L. Lemoine
Records Access Officer

Department of Public Utilities
Legal Division
One South Station, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Direct Dial: (617) 305-3532
E-Mail: Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov<mailto:Carline.Lemoine@mass.gov>

From: William Fernandes

I wanted to ask to have this sent over to the Secretary of State for the Commonwealth with appeal with prejudice, as I feel the fee request was egregious and the transparency only seeks to unburden the State of any potential conflicts of interest in relation to withholding records of a dubious nature.

From: William Fernandes

I wanted to ask to have this sent over to the Secretary of State for the Commonwealth with appeal with prejudice, as I feel the fee request was egregious and the transparency only seeks to unburden the State of any potential conflicts of interest in relation to withholding records of a dubious nature. Also pursuant to the Secretary Galvin's guide copy attached your request for fees is incorrect.

From: Department of Public Utilities

Dear Mr. Fernandes


