Information wrt DBMSs (Information Technology, Kentucky)

Matt Chapman filed this request with the Information Technology, Kentucky of Louisville, KY.
Tracking #


Multi Request Information wrt DBMSs


From: Matt Chapman

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Kentucky Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

For all DBMSs owned, maintained, operated, contracted with/through, or supported by the Information Technology - or similar - department(s) within your city, please provide me with the following information:

-Underlying engine (eg, postgres, mysql, mariadb, cockroachdb, Mongodb, Oracle database, sybase, MSAccess, SQL Server, VoltDB, RethinkDB, Chronos, Elasticsearch, etcd, cassandra, etc)
-Names of software that connect to each DBMS
-Names of departments that use information within the DBMS
-Schema of database (preferably, with granularity down to column names)
-Contract identifier for each database, if relevant

I understand that the information respondent to this request may require the creation of new documents - if that will be the case, then please provide me with documents that may contain the information (eg, documentation, contracts, etc). I am also happy to narrow the scope of my request if necessary.

Please also let me know if any help is needed with discovering any DBMS services. My background is in distributed systems systems administration and I can offer technical tips or advice if it would be helpful in any way.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. As I believe the information respondent to this request outweighs the costs and burden, I would like to kindly request a fee waiver.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.

With gratitude,
Matt Chapman,
Free Our Info, NFP


Thanks, Matt. This serves to acknowledge receipt of your open records request. Please refer to form ID number 9204 when communicating with Louisville Metro Government. You may expect a response within 3 Metro Government working days, at which time you will be notified when records can be made available, if they are identified to exist.

Open Records Request
Requestor Name * Matt Chapman
Are you a media organization? *
Email * (
Address DEPT 58471 411A Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA 02144
United States
Phone Number (617) 299-1832
Which Metro Government Agency Do You Think Holds the Record(s)?

Information Technology Services
Is this request for an environmental study? *
Specific Type of Record *
Will this request require a search of Metro Government emails?
Will the Record be used for
Commercial Purposes? ( *
Preference on Review of Records? *
PDF files on Email (if systems allow)
Describe the specific record or records you wish to examine here or submit attachment with record description below: *

To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Kentucky Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:
For all DBMSs owned, maintained, operated, contracted with/through, or supported by the Information Technology - or similar - department(s) within your city, please provide me with the following information:
-Underlying engine (eg, postgres, mysql, mariadb, cockroachdb, Mongodb, Oracle database, sybase, MSAccess, SQL Server, VoltDB, RethinkDB, Chronos, Elasticsearch, etcd, cassandra, etc)
-Names of software that connect to each DBMS
-Names of departments that use information within the DBMS
-Schema of database (preferably, with granularity down to column names)
-Contract identifier for each database, if relevant
I understand that the information respondent to this request may require the creation of new documents - if that will be the case, then please provide me with documents that may contain the information (eg, documentation, contracts, etc). I am also happy to narrow the scope of my request if necessary.
Please also let me know if any help is needed with discovering any DBMS services. My background is in distributed systems systems administration and I can offer technical tips or advice if it would be helpful in any way.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. As I believe the information respondent to this request outweighs the costs and burden, I would like to kindly request a fee waiver.
I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.
With gratitude,
Matt Chapman,
Free Our Info, NFP
P.S. Please provide these materials in the most appropriate format. The selection of "PDF" from the dropdown menu above was selected solely because a selection was necessary.

From: Information Technology, Kentucky

Good afternoon,

In response to your request, Louisville Metro's Department of Information Technologies has provided the following response:

"You requested the following records on 9/11/2018:

For all DBMSs owned, maintained, operated, contracted with/through, or supported by the Information Technology - or similar - department(s) within your city, please provide me with the following information:

-Underlying engine (eg, postgres, mysql, mariadb, cockroachdb, Mongodb, Oracle database, sybase, MSAccess, SQL Server, VoltDB, RethinkDB, Chronos, Elasticsearch, etcd, cassandra, etc)
-Names of software that connect to each DBMS
-Names of departments that use information within the DBMS
-Schema of database (preferably, with granularity down to column names)
-Contract identifier for each database, if relevant

Your request is being denied pursuant to KRS 61.878(1)(m)(1)(f). Disclosing the requested information would have a real likelihood of exposing potential vulnerabilities and would also provide a detailed list of potential attack targets inside our network".

Thank you,

CC: Andy Beshear, Kentucky Attorney General, 700 Capitol Avenue, Suite 118, Frankfort, KY 40601-3449
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security,

Jacinta Scruggs
Open Records Specialist Intake
Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government
Office of Management and Budget
611 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Direct Line: 502-574-3576
Fax: 502-588-3121

From: Matt Chapman

Is there no way that the schemas could be reviewed and redacted in any way, as cities like Chicago and Baltimore have done? Providing the schemas has the potential to greatly improve transparency by making the public aware of what digital information exists. As it stands, access to that information is a complete black box.

From: Information Technology, Kentucky

October 2, 2018

Matt Chapman<>

Subject: ORR #9204 Matt Chapman - Information Technology Services Other 09/13/2018

Good morning,

In response to your request, Louisville Metro’s Department of Information Technologies has provided the following response:

“You requested the following records on 9/13/2018:

For all DBMSs owned, maintained, operated, contracted with/through, or supported by the Information Technology - or similar - department(s) within your city, please provide me with the following information:

-Underlying engine (eg, postgres, mysql, mariadb, cockroachdb, Mongodb, Oracle database, sybase, MSAccess, SQL Server, VoltDB, RethinkDB, Chronos, Elasticsearch, etcd, cassandra, etc)
-Names of software that connect to each DBMS
-Names of departments that use information within the DBMS
-Schema of database (preferably, with granularity down to column names)
-Contract identifier for each database, if relevant

Your request is being denied pursuant to KRS 61.878(1)(m)(1)(f). Disclosing the requested information would have a real likelihood of exposing potential vulnerabilities and would also provide a detailed list of potential attack targets inside our network”.

We have previously responded to this request under “Contact Information Technology Services [#113]” on 9/18/2018.

Thank you,

CC: Andy Beshear, Kentucky Attorney General, 700 Capitol Avenue, Suite 118, Frankfort, KY 40601-3449
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, 200 Mero Street, Frankfort, KY 40622

Jacinta Scruggs
Open Records Specialist Intake
Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government
Office of Management and Budget
611 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Direct Line: 502-574-3576
Fax: 502-588-3121
