Police Data Collection Request (2021)

Samuel Sinyangwe filed this request with the Hartford Police Department of Hartford, CT.
Tracking #




From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. the total number of use of force incidents, separated by type of force and year used in 2021 (for example, information that specifies the number of taser incidents in 2021, baton incidents in 2021, etc.)

2. the total number of civilian complaints alleging any form of law enforcement misconduct that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

3. the total number of civilian complaints alleging law enforcement use of excessive force that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

4. the total number of civilian complaints alleging biased policing or racial profiling that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

5. the total number of civilian complaints alleging criminal conduct that were reported and the total number sustained in 2021.

6. the total number of officer involved shootings in 2021, both fatal and non-fatal.

When available, I would appreciate being sent individualized data for each item in this request in spreadsheet format. If individualized data are unavailable, please send information that includes aggregate statistics for the item instead.

Note that my requests for civilian complaints are specifically for civilian complaints alleging police misconduct, please do not include complaints filed by one officer/the department against another officer.

I also request that, if possible and pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-212(d), fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest and not made for commercial gain. The requested documents will be processed by a representative of the news media/press and made available to the public at MuckRock.com.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 4 business days, as the statute requires.


Samuel Sinyangwe

From: Hartford Police Department

Thank you for submitting a records request with the City of Hartford.  For purposes of tracking and responding to your request, you have been registered with the City of Hartford Records Request System.
Your Login ID is: requests@muckrock.com

If you have never used this system before, you may request a temporary password here: Request Temporary Password (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFp7FWaGmsYKhC4rzrL7EUvrH9TfDWuXHeoL0Nl8sZNpyuaNl0M5DikzTHK9scFiSiA-3Dc-ep_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWh10Ji0esIPlGOAjZ1cgf-2Bir8-2B94CvwDZ1mCESjljwULEaL7I-2BboB-2FXaVVLDYEgbBrSyGuXKSpZd-2BsRHsRlKsum-2FGBkBdHBp-2BeDnHGeOJo5iEHJiKcnq8-2FPB4pYp1bsNerNe-2BghrsYuVsEt7x1Zr5Ty6zKqbgxIJRgsQSh3DFcyoc-3D)

Thank you,
City of Hartford This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY

From: Hartford Police Department

The City of Hartford has received your request on October 14, 2022. We are reviewing your request and will contact you in writing when the requested information is available. Your request has been given the reference number R001542-101422 for tracking purposes.
Please note that pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, the City is not required to answer questions; the City is required to provide copies of all non-exempt documents.
Also, please be aware there are statutorily authorized costs associated with responding to your request, as set forth in C.G.S. Section 1-212 and if the anticipated fee for the document(s) you requested is greater than ten dollars, the City will require a deposit of the estimated copying cost prior to copying.
Thank you, City of Hartford

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Request System (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFoqHMukOFwNsu-2FCdznBfVnywNF5WVmcdZYTQ1ClodUbDJPVswt6T2I2iYuWaXyjK8I-3D_C75_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWhWjdVPTzAyXCTmpOzgCtZEx7JabnXDmtN5nSGJ4NSW8APDCZ6cPA8K-2FfAKvpAzE-2Fi5d1O7o5IyvOzheuzaEyL57BndH7SXLo3jwkzBDSmB6o6fv2JcaCNdhVwMwPYLgRdnSQKAp2esG-2By7x2suDfxE0I6zFot84gp36sgM4GG9ik-3D)

From: Hartford Police Department

The Hartford Police Department is in receipt of your Freedom of Information request. Please be advised that the Hartford Police Department will make a concerted effort to provide said records within a reasonable time frame, but all requests are processed in the order that they are received. Once we have identified the documents you requested, to the extent they exist, you will be notified.

Please be advised, that under the Freedom of Information laws of the State of Connecticut, the City of Hartford is not obligated to create a document that does not already exist. This includes putting a document into electronic format when it exists only in hardcopy form. It is the policy of the City of Hartford to charge fifty cents per page of any document duplicated. Sincerely, Sergeant Gary Benway Civil Litigation - FOI Unit Hartford Police Department Office: 860-757-4319 Benwg001@hartford.gov
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Request System (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFoWhUBaHoOW-2FFleRhTAKGv25fYd9Un3LaD-2FHeNQrrMlJk1KnQoR9QsfSn3QCpUOTEY-3DanfR_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWhTys4b5RPyj7E1sI8Twze9oZMuMN5oo0tKxaWOOujF3UvmuPRBpWn9kfaZdFtnjF3sanYSR43g72gYJt7MobIa6ehRS-2BCvL1IRCmYKeeL26YAVH17fOhl8XcpLRR7Aej31tkoay-2FOGB6te9q1I8Of5Ef4fUOC-2FF566WlolvSNfug-3D)

From: Hartford Police Department

Bi-Annual_Report_-_HPD_Citizen_Complaints_-_January_31__2021_-_June_30__2021__R_.pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFqAezA0FC1deUjJxxkFArS106b-2FK8kyzOXrpdEi1L0J4zBrY5dzji86cqez6Yu1zIYK9hJ570UIvnm78dQ1w03cuecpFoYAi8Y514H6-2F9k8ADh-2FGXt4fVuVQk2qqrfayoGcx1OhCXP4h3nVyINMoP-2FzxoDw3auUvyoF-2FfuyDMHEiw-3D-3DbZjA_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWhGP0l30n5pZli8KSxvLt-2BiLMwOIUjRvL09GQ1zOanGi-2Fv3sbtujGM-2BXnS-2FxAo1Oqq3k41BN9FXiIWT-2BJ5jVvTpU0Di528QItItwoHEeK5Lp-2BReCCPb1FQFfsCf4IG-2Fe-2FRbedx6MKJV-2BNCDiplAqzuCaA7ZWRqpJuH1AEEeoPOY08-3D)
2021_Use_of_Force_Totals.pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFqAezA0FC1deUjJxxkFArS106b-2FK8kyzOXrpdEi1L0J4zBrY5dzji86cqez6Yu1zIYK9hJ570UIvnm78dQ1w03cuecpFoYAi8Y514H6-2F9k8ADE2FkXGmH5SwLF5RaE5k5DWdc0lTHkblyROTyF-2BYFYwRUBWyWFEc8ToLIKOn0-2FWLA-3D-3DHrpQ_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWhGP0l30n5pZli8KSxvLt-2BiJHhkD9PQ23Puamp-2BHf2drmh-2B8y0k61vkKAnbm3k566SyzCUXy0qzFhyGdzZ2GgI7fbO3td47czU8HM03TRzBXnMN7zLfl3Ed1vOouZ-2B-2BS3wHSNopAlRUNU0tit01hLHwo0RGQiCj2gq6NxdDhdV-2FT0-3D)
Bi-Annual_Report_July_through_Dec._2021-_Signed__R_.pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFqAezA0FC1deUjJxxkFArS106b-2FK8kyzOXrpdEi1L0J4zBrY5dzji86cqez6Yu1zIYK9hJ570UIvnm78dQ1w03cuecpFoYAi8Y514H6-2F9k8AJXXrRGPv6RgcMMmGjJRc2X3ki75I3tey06JTKqhLhkx5irPaRnxi9ABieM5Ru-2FwJQ-3D-3Drawz_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWhGP0l30n5pZli8KSxvLt-2BiCGlgUtd-2FYXF5s3t1mgFyPDTrwS4FjhgKnlu1WnFgFQwSnZ5O1MjSjKl3RQLLj1izYI4ak2Rm9ioadpp4krwU-2BtQvABtVXkdzT-2FUXrAmsK9omCuAJMMWLZYBzMI0LqSfMdegaMV4rOXgWqHREn7Q2BQ-3D)

Greeting, Samuel Sinyangwe:
The Hartford Police Department has identified and attached records responsive to your request. Please be advised the records were received and provided electronically therefore the .50 cents per page fee has been waived.
Sergeant Omayra Martinez-Baidy
Hartford Police Deparment
Civil Litigation Unit
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Request System (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdYYEgDer8WLXYNQNPiUgFoWhUBaHoOW-2FFleRhTAKGv25fYd9Un3LaD-2FHeNQrrMlJk1KnQoR9QsfSn3QCpUOTEY-3DyrQo_3hqfq9jF-2FE0gtPh-2B9ghEDxBMwGoF-2BwZ5fAAwobrv5gRTqEDZmBaWIx8GkRU9aGWhGP0l30n5pZli8KSxvLt-2BiBsp8LyvR-2FhfQjswB-2F-2BG4E2tPq7E6Mhg7q8kwhtPyB7sQgoI5sQ7GzQ1WsQwi2MIt9nQDJdlpZWucOAY7qDP8w2JetQXEuxw6Pa63b4txNnfzS5krX5yT3EWYZivpvQk08WiswDM25MwIapYM94aZtM-3D)



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