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Exceptional event demonstration contracts

Dillon Bergin filed this request with the Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management of Clark County, NV.

It is a clone of this request.



From: Dillon Bergin

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Nevada Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

We are aware that air quality management agencies like the the Division of Air Quality in the Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability conduct "exceptional event demonstrations," which are analyses to demonstrate that emissions from potential exceptional events caused an exceedance of one or more NAAQS. These demonstrations are then submitted to the Regional EPA office in order to request that the office exclude the air quality monitoring data from use in certain regulatory determinations.

Concerning services related to these exceptional event analyses, we request:
1. Any and all executed contracts, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or other equivalent agreements that are currently active, or have been active within the last five years;
2. Any addenda, amendments, attachments, exhibits, materials, and schedules;
3. Any and all correspondence, between the relevant air quality agency and the contracting individual, corporation, or other entity, related to the implementation of these agreements.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Dillon Bergin

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Good afternoon Dillon Bergin,

The department has received your records request. Due to the amount of information this encompasses, the department will require additional time to fulfill the request. All Exceptional Events Packages, Contracts, and EPA Responses will be provided by COB 6/21/2023 and all other items will be provided by COB 7/18/2023.

I will keep you updated as applicable and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Jennifer Lipkin

Senior Air Quality Specialist | Division of Air Quality | Department of Environment and Sustainability

Lipkin@ClarkCountyNV.gov<mailto:Lipkin@ClarkCountyNV.gov> | O: 702-455-1634 | C: 702-306-2299

4701 West Russell Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89118 | counter hours M-Th 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
DES homepage<https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/environment_and_sustainability/index.php>

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Hello Dillon,

Can you please call me ? You have no phone number listed for me to call. I sent 2 large files yesterday to you with a response letter….did you not receive?? I split 2 emails as there was a total of 53 files not including the response letter. Attached is the letter I attached on both emails I sent you yesterday. Please confirm receipt of files and confirm on your end you can receive files that large.

Pamela Dittmar
Small Business Assistance
Administrative Specialist | Division of Air Quality | Department of Environment and Sustainability
pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov<mailto:pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov> | O: 702-455-2025
4701 West Russell Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89118
DES homepage<https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/environment_and_sustainability/index.php>
[SBAP Logo web]

Office hours are M-TH, 7:30 – 5:30.
Our offices are closed on Fridays.

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Hello Dillon / Molly,

We need some additional time to fulfill the last part of the request. Instead of COB 7/18/2023, we will have it completed by COB 7/20/2023.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.

Pamela Dittmar
Small Business Assistance
Administrative Specialist | Division of Air Quality | Department of Environment and Sustainability
pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov<mailto:pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov> | O: 702-455-2025
4701 West Russell Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89118
DES homepage<https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/environment_and_sustainability/index.php>
[SBAP Logo web]

From: Molly Peterson

Thank you; we look forward to the response!

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Hello Dillon / Molly,

Due to our attorneys scheduling conflicts we will need some additional time to organize the documents and prepare a response. We will have it to you by COB 7/24/2023. I apologize for the delay.

Pamela Dittmar
Small Business Assistance
Administrative Specialist | Division of Air Quality | Department of Environment and Sustainability
pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov<mailto:pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov> | O: 702-455-2025
4701 West Russell Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89118
DES homepage<https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/environment_and_sustainability/index.php>
[SBAP Logo web]

Office hours are M-TH, 7:30 – 5:30.
Our offices are closed on Fridays.

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Hello Molly/ Dillon,

Please see the attached response letter to the final records request. There are 4 items in the Exceptional Event Demonstration Contracts and 25 items in the Mitigation Plans and Packages link. Please confirm you received and were able to open links.

[​Folder icon] Exceptional Event Demonstration Contracts<https://clarkcountynv-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/pamela_dittmar_clarkcountynv_gov/Eoa5Y9Pn-ENOl9bjjc5ybKoB5HgOqxycFi9KJAv77tMN2A?e=gjYwLT>

[​Folder icon] Mitigation Plans and Packages<https://clarkcountynv-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/pamela_dittmar_clarkcountynv_gov/Eg_Kb_bjmLdMkSDWVC9pkAoB5aF6JaGcUgz3SY0jGE2eJw?e=gsiadO>

Please let me know if you need anything further. Thank you for your patience as we collected the records requested.

Pamela Dittmar
Small Business Assistance
Administrative Specialist | Division of Air Quality | Department of Environment and Sustainability
pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov<mailto:pamela.dittmar@ClarkCountyNV.gov> | O: 702-455-2025
4701 West Russell Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89118
DES homepage<https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/environment_and_sustainability/index.php>
[SBAP Logo web]

Office hours are M-TH, 7:30 – 5:30.
Our offices are closed on Fridays.

From: Molly Peterson


Thanks so much for your help with this request! I really appreciate it.

We see the four items and the 25 items. With the initial production of 82 items, among these two requests we see a total of 111 documents.

Molly Peterson & Dillon Bergin

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Hi Moly/ Dillon,

Unless some doubled you should on have the original 53 items plus a response letter =54 for email on June 22,2023. Then the additional items I emailed yesterday with 4 and 25 and a response letter for a total of 30. So, you should have 84 documents but 2 are letters from us. Do you want to send me a screenshot of items you are showing?

From: Molly Peterson

Pamela! Was about to write. I can confirm 54 original files: I figured out why we had 25 too many; something happened in the download where we had duplicates for 25 of the 54 files, where the normal file was followed by six random letters. Eliminating those duplicates means we're all okay, back on track, and agree about what we have. Thank you so much!!

From: Clark County Air Quality And Environmental Management

Yay! Thanks Molly! Remember I sent 2 separate emails at 1st trying to split the 53 files and maybe some transferred over and you saved some. I then emailed all 53 using one drive. So I am guessing that is where the doubles occurred.

Please let me know if you need anything further.



