Rich Jones

Often times, I get my rejections/exemptions under Executive Order 13526. This EO requires some specific criteria, such as listing of the damage caused by declassification, but I have never been able to get this information. I include this language, but it is always ignored:

In the event that the contents of the requested documents are classified under Executive Order 13526, I also make the following additional requests:

Pursuant to section 1.2 of Executive Order 13526, I am requesting the level of classification of this information and its existence/nonexistence.

Pursuant to section 1.3 of Executive Order 13526, I am requesting the specific authority which classified this information.

Pursuant to section 1.4 of Executive Order 13526, I am requesting the specific classification categories of this information, as well as an identification or description of the damage to national security which the disclosure of this information would produce.

Pursuant to section 1.5 of Executive Order 13526, I am requesting the specific duration of time for which this classification will stand.

Pursuant to section 1.6 of Executive Order 13526, I am requesting all classification markings about this information, including (1) one of the three classification levels defined in section 1.2 of Executive Order 13526, (2) the identity, by name and position, or by personal identifier, of the original classification authority, (3) the agency and office of origin, if not otherwise evident, (4) declassification instructions, and (5) a concise reason for classification that, at a minimum, cites the applicable classification categories in section 1.4 of Executive Order 13526.

Is there any way to force them to respond to the provisions stipulated under the EO?


Jason Gulledge

If you don’t feel that they have answered correctly, you can appeal the request citing what part of the request they ignored.