Strategies and resources for using public records to understand COVID-19

Strategies and resources for using public records to understand COVID-19

Our coronavirus records primer details the strategies you need to understand the pandemic’s impact

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Edited by Beryl Lipton

On June 26, we held our first COVID Public Info training, giving journalists, researchers, and everyone else tips, tricks, and templates for using transparency laws to dig into public records. We covered ground from adjusting your approach as governments still operate at reduced capacity as well as called out some specific stories that used transparency to dig into key issues.

We’ll be having our next webinar, on executive orders and state-wide policies, soon, and you can register here to get updates on this and other trainings.

The full video is here and sign up for the COVID Public Info newsletter for future updates:

Some of the resources highlighted in the talk:

Sign up below to get notifications for the next session.