Join us for upcoming MuckRock Slack FOIA chats

Join us for upcoming MuckRock Slack FOIA chats

Learn public records from the pros with guests from RCFP, BuzzFeed, and The Civil Rights Cold Case Project

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Edited by JPat Brown

MuckRock’s FOIA Slack has grown to over 3,000 registered members, and we’re kicking off a new round of Slack FOIA Chats. They will cover everything from cold case murder investigations to how FOIA can open up the Trump administration.

Below are the upcoming chats, as well as how you can let us know about a chat you’d like to see hosted. Go here to register for our Slack channel , or if you’re already registered sign in here to join the conversation.

April 28th at 2pm: Learn about a variety of resources from the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, including FOIA.Wiki and State Open Government Guides, all helpful tools to becoming a FOIA and public records master. Session led by RCFP’s Adam Marshall with Jenn Topper .

May 2nd at 2pm: BuzzFeed Senior Investigative Reporter Jason Leopold shares the latest on how he is FOIA’ing the Trump administration for everything he can get, including lawsuits for information on Russian interference in the election and audits of Trump’s taxes .

May 5th at Noon: Reporter Benjamin Greenberg, of The Civil Rights Cold Case Project , talks about using public records to dig into civil rights cold cases, and how to take advantage of both federal FOIA as well as local institutions, like state and university archives, to get what you’re after.

Have a topic — or guest host — you think we should feature? Let us know at We’re always looking to help build a strong community of FOIA fighters and we welcome your suggestions.

Stay in the loop for FOIA chats and other upcoming transparency events by subscribing to our newsletter or add upcoming events right into your calendar.

Image via Wikimedia Commons