The "Very, Very Small Library" Exemption

The “Very, Very Small Library” Exemption

The FOIA rejection equivalent of a tiny bleating baby goat cuddling with a kitten

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In the world of made up public records exemptions, this response would be the tiny bleating baby goat cuddling with a kitten of exemptions. Here it is in full:

I can’t help but set aside that public records laws pre-date, by decades, the widespread adoption of scanners, computers and have nothing to do with research sections. Since the letter was post-marked from Rhode Island, and the library is so small that it could only receive mail on certain days (we tried really, really hard just to get the request to them), my only response is wanting to send them a donation.

Unfortunately, until they get a website, even that is going to prove relatively difficult. What are the most creative public records and FOIA “exemptions” you’ve seen agencies try to slip by? Share what you’ve come across in our FOIA question and answer site.

Image via Cynthia’s Cottage Design