Facial recognition, NYPD

Caroline Haskins filed this request with the New York City Police Department of New York City, NY.
Tracking #




From: Caroline Haskins

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

Media reports state that the NYPD uses facial recognition technology. (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/nyregion/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html)Therefore, I request the following records:

• All records regarding the purchase of, acquisition of, installation of, subscription to, payment for, or agreements concerning software designed to recognize a face as an object in a video or image, analyze the visible facial data, and predict or verify that person's identity using other images or videos in the owner's possession.

• Any and all contracts (as well as all associated amendments, exhibits, and materials), memorandums of understanding, and other equivalent agreements entered into by this agency with any software or equipment company providing services related to facial recognition. Examples of facial recognition services include but are not limited to the following companies and softwares:
— Kairos, Kairos IMRSV
— Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Orbeus
— Cognitec
— Microsoft Computer Vision API, Microsoft Video API, Microsoft Azure Face API, Microsoft Emotion API
— Open CV
— Google Cloud Vision API
— IBM Watson Visual Recognition, IBM Alchemy
— Torch
— DeepPY, PCV, Caffe
— Hive
— scikit-image
— Clarifai
— NEC Face Recognition
— Affectiva
— Face++
— Apple Emotient, Apple FaceFirst, Apple Polar Rose, Apple RealFace, Apple Regaind
— Facebook Face.com, Facebook Faciometrics, Facebook Msqrd
—Snapchat Looksery
— Intel Itseez
— Google, Viewdle, Google PittPatt, Google AIMatter

Responsive materials should include but not be limited to:
• The initial Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, or equivalent call for contractors.
• The responsive materials provided by the winning bidder, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, Terms of Use, or another agreement or contract.
• Other bidder responses.
• The current contract.
• All exhibits.
• All amendments.
• All performance work statements.
• All deliverables inventories.
• All invoices related to the deliverance of facial recognition software, services, or goods.

Please also include:
• All records that contain any information about the functioning of software designed to perform facial recognition services that is used or has been used by this agency;
• All records regarding correspondence about or with a company that offers software designed to perform facial recognition services, including but not limited to all correspondence about or with companies offering facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition services by individual officers and representatives of this agency, including all records regarding the policies that govern access to or use of software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All training materials and all records used to instruct members of your agency in the proper use of software designed to perform facial recognition functions or of the information such software is capable of accessing;
• All records regarding the sharing with entities outside this agency of information obtained from or obtained by using software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition software by individual officers and representatives of this agency;

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. It will be used in the course of reporting for Motherboard, VICE’s science and technology website (www.motherboard.vice.com).

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Caroline Haskins

From: New York City Police Department

Your request FOIL-2019-056-14551 has been successfully submitted to the New York City Police Department (NYPD).
The details of your request are shown below.

Request Title: Facial recognition, NYPD

Request Description: Other Request

Other Request
Type of Request:
Report #:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

Media reports state that the NYPD uses facial recognition technology. (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/nyregion/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html)Therefore, I request the following records:

• All records regarding the purchase of, acquisition of, installation of, subscription to, payment for, or agreements concerning software designed to recognize a face as an object in a video or image, analyze the visible facial data, and predict or verify that person's identity using other images or videos in the owner's possession.

• Any and all contracts (as well as all associated amendments, exhibits, and materials), memorandums of understanding, and other equivalent agreements entered into by this agency with any software or equipment company providing services related to facial recognition. Examples of facial recognition services include but are not limited to the following companies and softwares:
— Kairos, Kairos IMRSV
— Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Orbeus
— Cognitec
— Microsoft Computer Vision API, Microsoft Video API, Microsoft Azure Face API, Microsoft Emotion API
— Open CV
— Google Cloud Vision API
— IBM Watson Visual Recognition, IBM Alchemy
— Torch
— DeepPY, PCV, Caffe
— Hive
— scikit-image
— Clarifai
— NEC Face Recognition
— Affectiva
— Face++
— Apple Emotient, Apple FaceFirst, Apple Polar Rose, Apple RealFace, Apple Regaind
— Facebook Face.com, Facebook Faciometrics, Facebook Msqrd
—Snapchat Looksery
— Intel Itseez
— Google, Viewdle, Google PittPatt, Google AIMatter

Responsive materials should include but not be limited to:
• The initial Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, or equivalent call for contractors.
• The responsive materials provided by the winning bidder, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, Terms of Use, or another agreement or contract.
• Other bidder responses.
• The current contract.
• All exhibits.
• All amendments.
• All performance work statements.
• All deliverables inventories.
• All invoices related to the deliverance of facial recognition software, services, or goods.

Please also include:
• All records that contain any information about the functioning of software designed to perform facial recognition services that is used or has been used by this agency;
• All records regarding correspondence about or with a company that offers software designed to perform facial recognition services, including but not limited to all correspondence about or with companies offering facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition services by individual officers and representatives of this agency, including all records regarding the policies that govern access to or use of software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All training materials and all records used to instruct members of your agency in the proper use of software designed to perform facial recognition functions or of the information such software is capable of accessing;
• All records regarding the sharing with entities outside this agency of information obtained from or obtained by using software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition software by individual officers and representatives of this agency;

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. It will be used in the course of reporting for Motherboard, VICE’s science and technology website (www.motherboard.vice.com).

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Caroline Haskins

Requester's Contact Information

Caroline Haskins

Not provided

Not provided

requests@muckrock.com (mailto:requests@muckrock.com)

Phone Number:
Not provided

Fax Number:
Not provided

Street Address (line 1):
Not provided

Street Address (line 2):
Not provided

Not provided

Not provided

Zip Code:
Not provided

You can view the request and take any necessary action at the following webpage: https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2019-056-14551. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2019-056-14551)

From: New York City Police Department

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has acknowledged your FOIL request FOIL-2019-056-14551. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2019-056-14551)
You can expect a response on or about Monday, January 13, 2020.

Additional Information:
Your request has been assigned to Detective Halk (646-610-6430)

Please visit FOIL-2019-056-14551 to view additional information and take any necessary action. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2019-056-14551)
Request Information:
Request Title: Facial recognition, NYPD
Request Description: Other Request Other Request
Type of Request:
Report #:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

Media reports state that the NYPD uses facial recognition technology. (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/nyregion/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html)Therefore, I request the following records:

• All records regarding the purchase of, acquisition of, installation of, subscription to, payment for, or agreements concerning software designed to recognize a face as an object in a video or image, analyze the visible facial data, and predict or verify that person's identity using other images or videos in the owner's possession.

• Any and all contracts (as well as all associated amendments, exhibits, and materials), memorandums of understanding, and other equivalent agreements entered into by this agency with any software or equipment company providing services related to facial recognition. Examples of facial recognition services include but are not limited to the following companies and softwares:
— Kairos, Kairos IMRSV
— Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Orbeus
— Cognitec
— Microsoft Computer Vision API, Microsoft Video API, Microsoft Azure Face API, Microsoft Emotion API
— Open CV
— Google Cloud Vision API
— IBM Watson Visual Recognition, IBM Alchemy
— Torch
— DeepPY, PCV, Caffe
— Hive
— scikit-image
— Clarifai
— NEC Face Recognition
— Affectiva
— Face++
— Apple Emotient, Apple FaceFirst, Apple Polar Rose, Apple RealFace, Apple Regaind
— Facebook Face.com, Facebook Faciometrics, Facebook Msqrd
—Snapchat Looksery
— Intel Itseez
— Google, Viewdle, Google PittPatt, Google AIMatter

Responsive materials should include but not be limited to:
• The initial Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, or equivalent call for contractors.
• The responsive materials provided by the winning bidder, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, Terms of Use, or another agreement or contract.
• Other bidder responses.
• The current contract.
• All exhibits.
• All amendments.
• All performance work statements.
• All deliverables inventories.
• All invoices related to the deliverance of facial recognition software, services, or goods.

Please also include:
• All records that contain any information about the functioning of software designed to perform facial recognition services that is used or has been used by this agency;
• All records regarding correspondence about or with a company that offers software designed to perform facial recognition services, including but not limited to all correspondence about or with companies offering facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition services by individual officers and representatives of this agency, including all records regarding the policies that govern access to or use of software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All training materials and all records used to instruct members of your agency in the proper use of software designed to perform facial recognition functions or of the information such software is capable of accessing;
• All records regarding the sharing with entities outside this agency of information obtained from or obtained by using software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition software by individual officers and representatives of this agency;

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. It will be used in the course of reporting for Motherboard, VICE’s science and technology website (www.motherboard.vice.com).

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Caroline Haskins

From: New York City Police Department

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has closed your FOIL request FOIL-2019-056-14551 for the following reasons: (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2019-056-14551)
The Freedom of Information Law allows access to existing documents and does not necessitate the creation of a document. I am unable to provide access to these documents on the basis that your request does not reasonably describe a record in a manner that would enable a search to be conducted by the New York City Police Department. In regard to the document(s) which you requested, I must deny access to the records on the basis that your request is too broad in nature and does not describe a specific document.

You may appeal the decision to deny access to material that was redacted in part or withheld in entirety by contacting the agency's FOIL Appeals Officer: foilappeals@nypd.org within 30 days. (mailto:foilappeals@nypd.org?subject=FOIL-2019-056-14551%20-%20Appeal)
Request Information:
Request Title: Facial recognition, NYPD
Request Description: Other Request Other Request
Type of Request:
Report #:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

Media reports state that the NYPD uses facial recognition technology. (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/nyregion/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html)Therefore, I request the following records:

• All records regarding the purchase of, acquisition of, installation of, subscription to, payment for, or agreements concerning software designed to recognize a face as an object in a video or image, analyze the visible facial data, and predict or verify that person's identity using other images or videos in the owner's possession.

• Any and all contracts (as well as all associated amendments, exhibits, and materials), memorandums of understanding, and other equivalent agreements entered into by this agency with any software or equipment company providing services related to facial recognition. Examples of facial recognition services include but are not limited to the following companies and softwares:
— Kairos, Kairos IMRSV
— Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Orbeus
— Cognitec
— Microsoft Computer Vision API, Microsoft Video API, Microsoft Azure Face API, Microsoft Emotion API
— Open CV
— Google Cloud Vision API
— IBM Watson Visual Recognition, IBM Alchemy
— Torch
— DeepPY, PCV, Caffe
— Hive
— scikit-image
— Clarifai
— NEC Face Recognition
— Affectiva
— Face++
— Apple Emotient, Apple FaceFirst, Apple Polar Rose, Apple RealFace, Apple Regaind
— Facebook Face.com, Facebook Faciometrics, Facebook Msqrd
—Snapchat Looksery
— Intel Itseez
— Google, Viewdle, Google PittPatt, Google AIMatter

Responsive materials should include but not be limited to:
• The initial Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, or equivalent call for contractors.
• The responsive materials provided by the winning bidder, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, Terms of Use, or another agreement or contract.
• Other bidder responses.
• The current contract.
• All exhibits.
• All amendments.
• All performance work statements.
• All deliverables inventories.
• All invoices related to the deliverance of facial recognition software, services, or goods.

Please also include:
• All records that contain any information about the functioning of software designed to perform facial recognition services that is used or has been used by this agency;
• All records regarding correspondence about or with a company that offers software designed to perform facial recognition services, including but not limited to all correspondence about or with companies offering facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition services by individual officers and representatives of this agency, including all records regarding the policies that govern access to or use of software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All training materials and all records used to instruct members of your agency in the proper use of software designed to perform facial recognition functions or of the information such software is capable of accessing;
• All records regarding the sharing with entities outside this agency of information obtained from or obtained by using software designed to perform facial recognition services;
• All policies related to the acquisition and use of facial recognition software by individual officers and representatives of this agency;

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. It will be used in the course of reporting for Motherboard, VICE’s science and technology website (www.motherboard.vice.com).

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Caroline Haskins


There are no files associated with this request.