Shotspotter data (Dallas Police Department)

Todd Feathers filed this request with the Dallas Police Department of Dallas, TX.
Tracking #


Multi Request Shotspotter data
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Todd Feathers

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

1) A list, database, or comparable record of every alert that has been generated by the department's Shotspotter technology since January 1, 2016. The list/database should include, where possible, the date, time, location (address or latitude+longitude coordinates), single or multiple shot distinction, whether the shots were confirmed, and associated case number for each alert.

I ask that all fees be waived as I am a journalist and intend to use the requested records to publish articles in the public interest. In the event you choose to impose fees, I request a detailed breakdown of the fees, including the hourly wage of each employ involved and an explanation justifying the employee hours required to fulfill the request.

Should you choose to reject this request or redact portions of it, I ask that you provide a detailed breakdown of the statutory exemptions and associated case law underlying your decision to withhold each/any portions from public review.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Todd Feathers


Dear Todd Feathers,

Thank you for registering with the City of Dallas Open Records Center.

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If you have never used this system or cannot remember your password you may request a temporary password here: Request Temporary Password. (

Please log in to the Records Center to update any contact or password information and to track the progress of your request.

Effective September 1, 2019, the process for requesting public records from the City of Dallas will change in response to the state’s adoption of Senate Bill 944.
The Texas Legislature amended the Public Information Act to specify exactly how members of the public may submit a public information request to a governmental agency. To comply with the law, all emailed public information requests, including requests for the Dallas Police Department, must be sent to (
Any requests emailed to the address associated with police records requests will be deemed not received. (

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.


RE: PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT REQUEST of 4/22/2021, Reference #D012183-042221 COVID-19 NOTICE: As part of the unprecedented response to coronavirus in Texas, and in light of the Governor’s recent disaster declaration, most of the administrative departments of the City of Dallas now are either closed or are staffed by only a skeleton crew, while remaining staff is working remotely or is present but involved directly in the public health or epidemic response. Additionally, the City is unable to access its records to respond to public information requests at this time.  This notice has been posted on the City’s website. D uring the period this notice is posted, the City of Dallas is not considered to be open for business for purposes of the time deadlines under the Texas Public Information Act. If a new request: Your request will be received on the City’s next open business day. Existing requests: Your request is paused and will be set back to processing on the City’s next open business day. Respectfully, Open Records Unit DPD DPD - Open Records “Our Product is Service” Empathy | Ethics | Excellence | Equity

Track the issue status and respond at: (

From: Dallas Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT REQUEST of 4/22/2021, Reference #D012183-042221
Dear Todd,
The Dallas Police Department received a public information request from you on 4/22/2021.  Your request mentioned:
“To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

1) A list, database, or comparable record of every alert that has been generated by the department's Shotspotter technology since January 1, 2016. The list/database should include, where possible, the date, time, location (address or latitude+longitude coordinates), single or multiple shot distinction, whether the shots were confirmed, and associated case number for each alert.

I ask that all fees be waived as I am a journalist and intend to use the requested records to publish articles in the public interest. In the event you choose to impose fees, I request a detailed breakdown of the fees, including the hourly wage of each employ involved and an explanation justifying the employee hours required to fulfill the request.

Should you choose to reject this request or redact portions of it, I ask that you provide a detailed breakdown of the statutory exemptions and associated case law underlying your decision to withhold each/any portions from public review.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Todd Feathers

Upload documents directly: https://https://www.muckrock.com
The Dallas Police Department has reviewed its files and has determined there are no responsive documents to your request.
Dallas Police Department


There are no files associated with this request.