FEVS 2017 & 2019

Martin Pfeiffer filed this request with the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration of the United States of America.
Tracking #


Est. Completion None


From: Martin Pfeiffer

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request copies of the following records:

Regarding the 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), I hereby request the following reports: *1st Level Subagency Report for the National Nuclear Security Administration (the main report for NNSA) *2nd Level Subagency Comparison Report for the National Nuclear Security Administration (compares results of each division within NNSA) *2nd Level Subagency Report for the Los Alamos National Laboratory (the main report for LANL) *2nd Level Subagency Report for the Nevada National Security Site (the main report for NNSS) *2nd Level Subagency Report for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (the main report LLNL) For each report, I request the full report, including all appendices and attachments. In addition, should the results for 2019 already be available--or should they become available during the processing and fulfillment of this request--then I hereby request the same set of records for 2019 also.

As the FOIA requires, please release all reasonably segregable nonexempt portions of documents. If you withhold information or records then please identify the exemption through which you do so and advise me of my options for appeal under the law.

I am a PhD student at the University of New Mexico and the information requested is for academic and public education purposes, including my PhD dissertation project, and not primarily for commercial or profit use. Furthermore, I will make responsive recoIrds available to the public via my academic publications and presentations; on social media (I have over 14,000 Twitter followers); and through the News Site MuckRock.com In addition I run a publicly accessible research archive freely accessible to the public (including records provided to me via FOIA requests to NNSA) at the following link : https://osf.io/46sfd/ . Please note that you can access my UNM student profile page at the following url: https://anthropology.unm.edu/people/grad-students/profile/martin-pfeiffer.html. I have both the ability and intent to make records provided to me widely available to the public via either self-publishing or through writing for journalistic and scholarly publications.

Therefore, as per Sack v. DOD (2016) I qualify for educational institution fee status and ask that you process my request accordingly. In your response please confirm that you will be processing my request under the educational institution fee status.

If fees are assessed then I agree to pay fees up to $30 without additional notice. In the event that there are fees exceeding $30 then please inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

I hereby request that all records generated by this request be delivered in electronic format via email or, if that is not possible, on CD-ROM if available. I ask that, if possible, you engage in rolling release of responsive records.
Please do not hesitate to contact me (preferably via email) with any questions or information. You may, and I request that you do so, engage in rolling release of responsive documents.

I look forward to receiving your response within the twenty day statutory period. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and time in this matter.

Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Dear Mr. Pfeiffer,
The attached PDF acknowledges receipt of your FOIA request for the 2017 and 2019 FEVS. If you have questions email me anytime.
Thank you, Delilah Perez
Government Information Specialist

From: Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Dear Mr. Pfeiffer,

The attached PDF acknowledges receipt of your FOIA request for the FEVS.


Delilah Perez
Government Information Specialist
Office of the General Counsel
NNSA ABQ-Complex

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Ms. Perez,

Please clarify your request for additional information. As explained, requested documents are related to my PhD research (see attached file); and I will report on, analyze, and make them available to the public via my Twitter account (14.8k followers), blog, and through scholarly writings.

If you have a specific concern then make it and your reasoning known to me prior to a fee status judgment so that I may respond adequately to your request for clarification.

I am,
Martin Pfeiffer

From: Martin Pfeiffer

Ms. Perez,

Apologies, I sent the previous message without attaching the mentioned file. Please find it attached here.

I am,
Martin Pfeiffer

From: Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Dear Mr. Pfeiffer,
Please see the attached regarding your FOIA request for the FEVS.
Email me if you have questions.
Thank you,
Delilah Perez
Government Information Specialist
Delilah.Perez@nnsa.doe.gov (mailto:Delilah.Perez@nnsa.doe.gov)


