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2 Articles
This week’s FOIA round-up: Gold and garbage
For this week’s FOIA round-up, treasure hunters accuse Federal Bureau of Investigation of acting fishy about “missing” Civil War gold, a something is rotten in the state of Chicago’s for-profit garbage collection, and the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council is holding a celebration for its 40th anniversary (with cake)!
Greening espionage: The CIA’s resistance to recycled paper
In the 1970s, various government agencies were asked to look into the feasibility of using recycled paper. When the request was received at the CIA, the Agency responded with a list of reasons why that wasn’t such a great idea.
4 Requests
Awaiting Response
Nicholas Marritz sent this request to the National Security Agency of the United States of America
NYSDEC Permitted Transfer Station Capacities
Bernardo Loureiro sent this request to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of New York
State of Missouri (et al.) v. Exide Technologies - Case Materials
Nathan Lawrence sent this request to the Office of the Attorney General - Missouri of Missouri
State of Missouri (et al.) v. Exide Technologies - Case Materials
Nathan Lawrence sent this request to the Department of Natural Resources of Missouri