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protest footage

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Over a decade later, FBI surveillance of Iraq War protests still resonates

Over a decade later, FBI surveillance of Iraq War protests still resonates

Today is the 15th anniversary of 2003’s coordinated protest against the Iraq War. With attendance in the millions, at the time it was the “the largest protest event in human history.” Though we don’t have any records from that particular protest, Federal Bureau of Investigation files show that later demonstrations were under heavy Bureau surveillance, taking note of details as banal as a car bearing a pro-peace bumper sticker.

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Follow our request for footage of this weekend's counterprotest on the Boston Common

Follow our request for footage of this weekend’s counterprotest on the Boston Common

After an exciting but relatively peaceful weekend of protesting, calm was restored to the city, and MuckRock awaits its latest requests for the official footage of the event.

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During the Vietnam War, FBI used the press as a cover to "avoid embarrassment" while surveilling protests

During the Vietnam War, FBI used the press as a cover to “avoid embarrassment” while surveilling protests

A memo from Howard Zinn’s FBI file shows how the Bureau relied on third-party contractors and press coverage to avoid scrutiny of its surveillance of Vietnam protestors.

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Five law enforcement agencies that don't want you looking at their protest records

Five law enforcement agencies that don’t want you looking at their protest records

In trying to learn more about how police respond to demonstrations, MuckRock has been consistently met with exemptions and pushback, often with entire records releases being denied. Let us curate the five worst examples of this we have come across in the last few months.

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MuckRock’s guide to protests and FOIA: The day after

MuckRock’s guide to protests and FOIA: The day after

In a democracy, the power of the people comes from the ability to hold their government accountable. We’re launching a project to provide a comprehensive list of FOIA resources that will help you to prepare, participate, and investigate protests. Today, we’ll be examining three pivotal protests of the past decade in America – Occupy Wall Street, Ferguson and NoDAPL.

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