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exemption (b)(7)(a)

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FBI can neither confirm nor deny investigations into darknet markets that it confirmed are ongoing

FBI can neither confirm nor deny investigations into darknet markets that it confirmed are ongoing

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has responded to dozens of FOIA requests regarding darknet markets (and one request for files on Cryptocomb) by refusing to confirm or deny the existence of records mentioning them. To support this denial, the Bureau cited FOIA exemption b(7)a, which covers “ongoing proceedings.” In doing so, the Bureau seemed to violate its own GLOMAR response by citing the existence of proceedings it refuses to acknowledge exist.

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Recently released evidence shows FBI may have investigated Danny Casolaro’s death through 2017

Recently released evidence shows FBI may have investigated Danny Casolaro’s death through 2017

Following a FOIA appeal, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has released ten new pages of their investigation into links between the PROMIS scandal, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro. FOIA lawyers and experts are divided as to whether this new release implies the Bureau previously improperly cited the “open investigation” exemption, or whether it had stopped being applicable between the initial FOIA response and the appeal.

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