Ryan Carboni

I know of intellipedia, diplopedia, bureaupedia, but are there any other pedias out there that I can FOIA? http://www.dama-ncr.org/Library/2012-03-12_WikisInGovtMeyerforFASTER.PDF (this indicates a few more pedias)

I also suggest if you’re requesting FBI records, it might be worth requesting a bureaupedia search as well.

Shawn Musgrave

This is a great thread to pull at! MuckRockers have requested a number of Intellipedia pages. I’ve just submitted a request for the Intellipedia table of contents or page index.


Ryan Carboni

You seem to have a misunderstanding of how mediawiki works. You’re likely requesting Special:AllPages, and if you go to wikipedia, you’ll notice that Special:AllPages has many different “namespaces,” such as articles, talk pages, user pages, category page, category talk pages, file pages, file talk pages, etc etc.

Not only that, but they have over a 50,000 articles (for the unclassified wiki). At 50,000 articles, with a listing of 150 articles per page, that’s over 300 pages (and I doubt they’ll grant a public interest waiver). Well, good luck with that. You may as well be requesting a CD of the most recent backup files for Intellipedia (then you could run a mirror of intellipedia here). 

You’re probably better off requesting various small requests be sent electronically, and as an html file (if sent electronically), to preserve the links.

I made a statipedia request: https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/statipedia-various-pages-10558/