Bernard Smith

Greetings. Today my family received a very, very delayed FOIA on the death of our only grandchild. She was killed on a Native American reservation by dog(s), and the resulting FBI investigation was best, now we find. Questions: - The names of all parties were removed! To this day, our family cannot find out whose care she was in when she was attacked. How do we get the name? We should know this by now (8 months later) - I would like to obtain the FBI protocol for forensic requirements in the suspicious death of a child, by an animal - We suspect there is a different operating standard for the FBI on the reservation, particularly since the entire report was so very minimal and basic in nature. Is this observed by others? Any advice would be so appreciated by our family in its seeking of answers.

Jack R-W

The names will be redacted unless you can get a privacy waiver from the person named or you can prove the person named is dead. You could also be seeing a very small report because many pages were redacted. Did anyone else investigate the case?

Bernard Smith

As we understand it, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) was lead since her death was on tribal land and the Tribal Police investigated. No mention of them in the FBI FOIA. Should we FOIA them also. Of additional note, despite verification from us that we did want all photos, they were send on a DVD in such poor grainy quality that nothing can be made sense of. And there was no mention of any measurements, data, evidence, etc… It was the equivalent of a 7th grade book report.

Jack R-W

Yes, FOIA the BOI as well. I’m not exactly sure if the Tribal Police would be possible to request from, but it’s worth a try. Are the records stamped “Best Copy Available”?

A. Wilson

I am also researching similar cases. If you want to correspond my email is

Bernard Smith

No, cannot find in the correspondence that it is the “Best Copy”. However, my introduction to this website, and forum responses, have convinced us to not only appeal, but to submit new FOIAs. Thank you for the responses…its made the path onward a little clearer