Tony S

8/2015 a FOIA request was filed with the FBI relevant to the Oathkeepers. Tracking # 1332687-000 11/15 They responded saying they had over 8,500 documents. However, a fee of $250 was needed.

Was the request just dropped because of the fee? There are no follow ups. As I am reading Muckrock and run into situations like this which might be of interest - how do I find answers?

Jack R-W

That tracking request is linked to this request: about the Industrial Workers of the World. What is the correct tracking number of the request you are talking about?That request has nothing to do with the oathkeepers and does not have 8500 documents or a $250 fee associated with it.

Tony Schwartz

Tracking # 1332687-000

Jack R-W

That’s the same tracking number and links to the same request. Nothing to do with the Oathkeepers, no $250 fee, no 8500 pages.

Tony Schwartz

Sh*t, now I can not find it. Can I say that word? Delete this if not. I just wanted to pick it up, help pay for it or crowd fund it. I know it was there. I will find it this weekend and just provide a URL. Matthew filed 2 requests relevant to Bundy to some degree. The one I had in mind just ended with no further “options” with what looked like a request for payment from the FBI. I know I saw it, people might describe me as psychotic at times. But, I am not delusional. TYVM for hanging in with me here while I figure out what I am doing wrong.

Jack R-W

Which Bundy documents are you looking for?