James Katz

FBI said no name match? He was an Anti-American in German American Bund prior to WW2 and Nazi sympathizer till death in 1960. He also financed and traveled with Bobby Fischer, World Champion chess player, and Bobby’s mother Regina, to Cuba in 1956, both of whom have FBI files detailing surveillance on the Cuba trip. Also on the trip was Norman Tweed Whitaker, a multiply-convicted felon, including imprisonment at Alcatraz, as well as child molester. There are several spellings of his family name (Laux, Lauks, etc) - should I have included those. Also I have many more documents - including US Census, etc - documenting name, address, and activities, which I could include on amended request.

I did make mistake on my 2 nd request - I cloned the Steve Jobs inquiry for Norman Tweed Whitaker - but left Steve Jobs name at the top. Best way to fix?


James Katz, MD