Grace Raih’s Projects

After the Dust Settles: A Guide to Protest and FOIA

A list of FOIA resources that will help you prepare, participate, and actively investigate what the police were doing at a protest.

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Freedom of LGBTQIA+ Information

We’re here, we’re queer, let’s FOIA it.

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Know Your Rights: The power of public records when dealing with law enforcement

In our culture of expanding surveillance, we are constantly encouraged to report suspicious activity to authorities. What can be done when the people you want to hold accountable are the police themselves? This project means to subvert that attention from our fellow citizens towards law enforcement.

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Transgender Protections in Schools

Transgender students face even higher rates of discrimination and violence than lesbian, gay and bisexual youth. As a result, their access to a safe and successful education is threatened daily. While politicians, parents, and the public debate legitimacy, we want to see what schools are doing to support transgender students.

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