For the Record: How Fiquem Sabendo used records requests and DocumentCloud to reveal corporate card expenditures
In Brazil, presidents and other top government officials have the right to use “corporate cards” to cover occasional travel expenses and other small value purchases on behalf of the federal government. In January 2023, the journalism non-profit Fiquem Sabendo secured access to the invoices for these cards, and last week, the Brazilian newsroom detailed how they meticulously scanned and organized these documents, making them accessible for the first time.
For the Record: Requesting data inventories
MuckRock’s #FOIAFriday webinar series continued last Friday with a step-by-step guide on how to request data inventories from federal and state agencies.
For the Record: Appealing an unduly burdensome denial in Illinois
This week’s For the Record shares how reporters at MuckRock and the Cicero Independiente overcame rejection in their “Air We Breathe” series.
For the Record: Michigan bill could expand FOIA law to governor and legislature
Two bipartisan bills in Michigan could expand the state’s Freedom of Information Act to allow requests for documents in the governor’s office and the state legislature.
For the Record: New bill in Louisiana would exempt economic development projects from the state’s public record law
MuckRock’s For the Record column goes to Louisiana to understand how a new proposed legislation would exclude a local government’s “active” negotiations in economic development projects.
For the Record: New Utah law redefines what is a public record
Utah’s Senate Bill 240 allows for the exemption of elected officials’ calendars from the state’s public records law.
For the Record: What’s next for public records law in New Jersey and Arkansas?
This week’s For the Record is turning to New Jersey and Arkansas that have active legislation that could modernize public record laws in their states.
For the Record: The state of new public records legislation in Colorado and Kentucky
This week’s For the Record tackles proposed state legislation in Colorado and Kentucky that would change how public records are accessed.
For the Record: Sunshine Week, in review
Sunshine Week shines a light on the importance of public records and open government.
For the Record: Recapping MuckRock @ NICAR
See what you might have missed from this year’s NICAR conference.