Release Notes: DocumentCloud accounts for everyone plus entity extraction beta and scheduled publication
It’s been a while since we’ve published release notes, but we have a lot to share, including improvements to our crowdsourcing Assignments tool and a number of new DocumentCloud features.
More than 1,500 records requests to advance police transparency have been filed thanks to MuckRock’s readers
More than 1,000 MuckRock readers have let us know that they want more transparency around how their local law enforcement agency does its job. You can join them.
Have three minutes? Take action on policing accountability
In just a few clicks of your keyboard, you can be on your way to knowing more about how your police department uses, abuses, and wastes taxpayer funding and trust.
Over a hundred people have requested their police use-of-force policies — join them!
On June 5, MuckRock began an Assignment to help begin to better understand how use of force policies and data are being tracked by local law enforcement agencies. We’ve had nearly 100 submissions from all over the country, but you can still add yours.
Five hundred people have requested local police settlement data. Here’s where and how you can join them.
Over 500 volunteers have sent in suggestions to our MuckRock Assignment asking to submit local police departments as candidates for more transparency around the money spent by police departments to settle or battle lawsuits.
Release Notes: Testing a more flexible crowdsourcing system to tackle COVID-19 questions
We’ve loved seeing the creative ways users have used our Assignments crowdsourcing tools, from digging through documents to building petitions. Now, to help newsrooms quickly gather answers to big questions, we’ve created an experimental spinoff of Assignments designed to help organize volunteers in gathering and label large amounts of data no matter where it may live.
This week’s FOIA roundup: In pursuit of police records
In this week’s roundup, a look at policing transparency efforts around the country, as well as ways that you can help bring transparency to your own community.
MuckRock supports Center for Public Integrity and public in calls for DOJ to release Ukraine emails
Almost 800 readers signed the Center for Public Integrity’s letter demanding the release of emails related to President Donald Trump’s decision to withhold military aid from Ukraine.
Who’s watching who? A guide to monitoring the use of facial recognition tech where you live
Police Surveillance: Facial Recognition in Your Backyard is a joint project between MuckRock and Open the Government to investigate the adoption of facial recognition technology nationwide.
Release Notes: Edit your Assignment questions!
Ever notice a typo in an Assignments question? Get some feedback from folks helping you crowdsource analysis and wish you could incorporate it right away? You finally can: Assignment questions are now fully editable, with lots of backups in place.