We found dozens of ‘Long COVID’ deaths across the U.S., as defined by the CDC. Here are some of their stories.
In a first-of-its-kind analysis, we have detailed death certificate records in Chicago; California’s Bay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego; Minnesota; and New Mexico, allowing us to search for words associated with Long COVID. Here’s what we found.
long COVID test
In a first-of-its-kind analysis, we have detailed death certificate records covering 2020 and 2021 in Chicago, California’s Bay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego and Minnesota, allowing us to search for words associated with Long COVID . Here’s what we found.
Recently declassified records outline the psychological warfare aspect of D-Day
Formerly TOP SECRET records in Central Intelligence Agency’s archives, only declassified in 2013, outline the Office of Strategic Services plan to wage psychological warfare against Nazi Germany ahead of the D-Day invasion.
After retiring, CIA’s first director warned J. Edgar Hoover of Agency’s “corruption”
A recently released copy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation file for Central Intelligence Agency Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter reveals that shortly after his retirement, Hillenkoetter admitted to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that elements of the Agency were corrupt.
The CIA’s dogs of war
MuckRock has previously written about some of the surprising photographic finds in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives, including a stray cat that was considered a state secret for 50 years. Proving that they’re equal opportunity creature classifiers, records recently uncovered in CREST show photos of World War II military working dogs which weren’t made public until 2013 - nearly 70 years after they were taken.
CIA archives offer a B-26-eye’s view of D-Day
A pair of stunning photographs unearthed in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives depict the D-Day invasion from the perspective of the planes buzzing overhead. Remarkably, these photos were only declassified in 2013, just a year shy of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings.
How the OSS helped John Ford win an Oscar - twice
Recently uncovered materials buried in CIA’s CREST archive offer some behind-the-scenes insight into American filmmaker John Ford’s career with the U.S. military.
FOIA FAQ: The ultimate guide to searching CIA’s declassified archives
This guide will tell you everything you need to know to dive into CIA’s CREST archive and start searching like a pro.
The alphabet of CIA gadgets
The Central Intelligence Agency’s bag of tricks is a veritable a-to-z of dubious doodads. Here’s 26 of the strangest.
Win friends and destroy your enemies with CIA’s wartime guide to bribery and blackmail
A field manual in Central Intelligence Agency’s archives explained how to use bribery and blackmail to destroy enemies and influence people.