What kind of marketing would you let ride on your commute?

What kind of marketing would you let ride on your commute?

Take a look through a cache of advertisements rejected by the MBTA

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Edited by JPat Brown

In Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority, more commonly known as the T, has a few rules about the advertisements they’ll post in its tunnels and trains:

Yesterday, WBUR’s Ally Jarmanning released a cache of rejected advertisements that the agency felt didn’t meet its standards.

Inspired by the public records request that elicited the collection, MuckRock has filed a similar request with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. MuckRock user J.K. Trotter had previously asked the D.C. agency for such records in 2017; MuckRock user Nick Jones is currently awaiting a response to his request for advertisements rejected by the New York City subway system.

Interested in what didn’t make muster for the MBTA? Take a look through the collection via the MuckRock Assignment below and let us know what you think!

Image by the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism via Flickr and is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0