What’s hiding in the bids for Amazon’s second headquarters?

What’s hiding in the bids for Amazon’s second headquarters?

We need your local insight to understand the full impact of the incentives being offered for #AmazonHQ2

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Edited by JPat Brown

So far, 20+ towns and states have released their bids for Amazon’s second headquarters to MuckRock, and we want to know what the bids mean for your place. We’re going to work on compiling a database that aggregates the information from the bids, but there’s a lot of details in the bids that we’d miss because we’re not locals - that’s where you come in.

  • Small Red - No Responsive Documents
  • Large Red - Rejected
  • Small Yellow - Awaiting Acknowledgement
  • Orange - Fix Required
  • Small Green - Partially Completed
  • Large Green - Completed

Only locals would be able to tell if a proposed site is really “shovel-ready” as Amazon requests, or if people live and work there. How is the cost of living in that place, currently? One reader let us know that the building in which they work is listed as a potential site in the Bay Area’s bid.

According to Greg LeRoy, Executive Director of Good Jobs First, income tax and pre-existing tax incentives might make up a bigger piece of the pie for Amazon than one-time tax incentives. How will the pre-existing financial systems in your place help Amazon?

Take a look at our guide to reading the bids, and let us know what you find via email, Twitter, Facebook, or via the form below.

Image by SounderBruce via Wikimedia Commons and licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0.