Before NSA's slides were made with PowerPoint, they looked like this ...

Before NSA’s slides were made with PowerPoint, they looked like this …


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Edited by JPat Brown

Included in the release of the NSA’s psychic research program is a document labeled “Chart Depicting Interaction/Dependencies Acting on Parapsychology.” The hand-drawn chart is the only thing in the document, and it looks awfully familiar

At first glance, one might think that the chart is a flow chart - a closer look shows that while many of the boxes are linked by lines, almost none clarify the relationship or the flow of the information. Only the relationship between “Parap[sychological] facility] and “image maker” includes an arrow to show a flow of information from the facility to the image maker.

Several other boxes are completely isolated. Apparently “decision maker”, “motor control” and “action” neither interact with or are dependent on parapsychology. Other boxes, like “rational logical adding”, “symbol marker” and “formulating abstracting” are connected to each other, but never connect to the main chart.

All in all, a perfect addition to your next game of FOIA Karaoke. Read the NSA’s (significantly more straightforward) guideline for the STARGATE program embedded below:

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Image via FX