Apple Wallet Electronic Driver's License (Department of Motor Vehicles)

Matt Zagaja filed this request with the Department of Motor Vehicles of Washington, DC.
Multi Request Apple Wallet Electronic Driver's License
Due June 30, 2021
Est. Completion April 8, 2022
Awaiting Response


From: Matt Zagaja

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the DC Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

I'm interested in documents including emails, vendor solicitations, requests for proposals, and project proposals related to Apple Wallet ID card program, which is referenced publicly on their website here: While the program is publicly announced, they have not shared participating states and I'm interested in any responsive documents whether or not the state has decided to participate in the program.

If you have any suggestions on how to better tailor my request to provide useful results while minimizing the burden on the agency to complete it, please let me know.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 15 business days, as the statute requires.


Matt Zagaja

From: Department of Motor Vehicles

Good Afternoon Mr. Zagaja,

This email is to acknowledge the FOIA request for "in documents including emails, vendor solicitations, requests for proposals, and project proposals related to Apple Wallet ID card program, which is reference publicly on their website, " that was faxed to the DC Department of Motor Vehicles ("DMV") and received by the FOIA officer on March 4, 2022.

The request makes reference to a previous request submitted in 2021 for the same information. DMV has no record of a previous request for this information.

FOIA request may also be submitted online by visiting

Pamela B. Washington
Assistant General Counsel
FOIA Officer
Department of Motor Vehicles
95 M Street SW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20024
(Fax) 202-729-7152

This e-mail is intended to aid in the decision-making process and contains the opinions, recommendations and subjective analysis of the drafter. Inadvertent transmission of this e-mail to unintended recipients does not constitute a waiver of the deliberative process privilege. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete this message.

From: Department of Motor Vehicles

Good Afternoon,

Please see attached.

Pamela B. Washington
Assistant General Counsel
FOIA Officer
Department of Motor Vehicles
95 M Street SW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20024
(Fax) 202-729-7152

This e-mail is intended to aid in the decision-making process and contains the opinions, recommendations and subjective analysis of the drafter. Inadvertent transmission of this e-mail to unintended recipients does not constitute a waiver of the deliberative process privilege. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete this message.


