2009 Somerville Campaign Finance Reports
Submitted | Sept. 3, 2010 |
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From: Tom Nash
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the state Freedom of Information Act, G.L.M. c.4, €7, clause 26th, I hereby request the following records:
Campaign finance reports for all elected officials in the City of Somerville through the third quarter of 2010.
I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as we believe this request is in the public interest, as suggested but not stipulated by the recommendations of the Massachusetts Supervisor of Public Records. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.
In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.
Tom Nash/ PostSomerville.com
Filed via MuckRock.com
185 Beacon St. #3
Somerville, MA 02143
Daytime: (857) 488- 3081
E-mail: requests@muckrock.com
From: Election Department
Dear Mr. Nash.
City Clerk John Long has forwarded your email to me, as the Election Department is the keeper of the records. You have asked for campaign finance reports of Somerville elected officials through the third quarter of 2010. At what point in time chronologically does your request begin? For your information no new finance reports are due during this calendar year for municipal officials. The last reports filed were due January 20, 2010, for the period October 17, 2009 through December 31, 2009. State Representatives and State Senators file with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
I will provide you with a good faith estimate of the fee for the Election Department to retrieve, copy and refile the requested records prior to producing the records to you.
Nicholas P. Salerno
Election Commissioner
From: Tom Nash
If no reports are required for the calendar year 2010, we would like to see all reports covering the calendar year 2009. We're only looking for reports from municipal officials. Thanks.
From: Election Department
Then rather than pay an estimated amount of one ($100.) dollars I suggest you or your designee come to City Hall and look at the financials at no cost then simply pay for the few copies that you may want.
From: MuckRock.com
Hi Nicholas,
We are willing to pay the estimated $100 for the copies of the 2009 reports. We tried photographing them, but that turned out about as poorly as one would expect.
Thanks! Let us know when they will be available.
From: Election Department
From: MuckRock.com
See attached files.
There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files
From: Election Department
From: Election Department
From: MuckRock.com
Aldermen Trane's and Sullivan's reports were not in the packet we picked up. Did they file reports in that year?
From: MuckRock.com
Spoke briefly with Election Department's Nick Salerno. Mr. Salerno informed me that Robert Trane never filed his report for Oct. 17 - Dec. 31st, despite being notified several times that he was required to do so.
Sullivans' second report was accidentally skipped over when the Election Department was copying, but will be ready tonight or tomorrow.
From: Elections Department