Text messages - Seattle Mayor Ed Murray 2016 (Mayor's PR staff)

Phil Mocek filed this request with the Office of the Mayor of Seattle, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #




From: Phil Mocek

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to RCW Ch. 42.56 (Public Records Act), I hereby request the following records:

Text messages (i.e., SMS messages) and other mobile-phone-based text communications (e.g., Signal Messenger, WhatsApp, Wire, Wickr, Telegram, iMessage, Facebook Chat, SnapChat, Slack, Glip, Facebook and Twitter "direct messages," etc.), addressed or "CC'd" to Seattle Mayor Ed Murray or any alias of his, sent by the mayor, or sent on behalf of the mayor, in 2016, on personal or work-specific devices operated by or otherwise under the control of Mayor's Press Secretary and Communications Staff. In the event that the search for responsive records involves a public employee's good-faith search of his or her personal device, please provide a reasonably detailed, nonconclusory affidavit attesting to the nature and extent of that search.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Phil Mocek


Dear Mr. Mocek,

Please find attached responsive records regarding your public records request for requested Mayor office staff text messages and mobile-phone-based text communications.

The attached responses are from the following Communications (PR) staff:

Press Secretary - Megan Coppersmith
Correspondence Manager - Drue Nyenhuis
Communications Team - William Lemke

Please note that we have waived any fees associated with this request due to the response size.

I anticipate being able to provide you with the next installment of responsive records and/or a status update on or before October 4, 2016.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Kimberly Ferreiro


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

From: Phil Mocek

Dear M. Ferreiro,

Please provide an update on the status of this request, placed June 24, 2016, to which you assigned identifier 16372. The last contact I received regarding this request was your interim response on August 11, 2016, in which you wrote, "I anticipate being able to provide you with the next installment of responsive records and/or a status update on or before October 4, 2016."

Phil Mocek


Dear Mr. Mocek,

Thank you for your email.

I believe that there is confusion on these requests. You submitted the following requests each with its own specific email address, please see current status on all:

Deputy Mayor Joncas requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
You received records at no charge and submitted an appeal. The appeal was upheld and the request was closed.

Deputy Mayor Kim requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Mayor's PR Staff requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Jeff Reading - Records in final review
Will Lemke - Records provided at no charge - Closed
Megan Coppersmith - Records Provided at no charge - Closed
Drue Nyenhuis- Records provided at no charge - Closed
Viet Shelton - No responsive records - Closed
Jason Kelly - No responsive records - Closed
Scott Gutierrez - No responsive records - Closed

Scott Lindsay requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Chief of Staff Mike Fong requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Records Provided at no charge - Closed

Mayor Murray - 26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com<mailto:26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com>
Invoiced April 12, 2017 - As of April 26, 2017 no response

I hope that this information and status update on these requests is helpful.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.


Dear Mr. Mocek,

Thank you for your email.

I believe that there is confusion on these requests. You submitted the following requests each with its own specific email address, please see current status on all:

Deputy Mayor Joncas requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
You received records at no charge and submitted an appeal. The appeal was upheld and the request was closed.

Deputy Mayor Kim requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Mayor's PR Staff requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Jeff Reading - Records in final review
Will Lemke - Records provided at no charge - Closed
Megan Coppersmith - Records Provided at no charge - Closed
Drue Nyenhuis- Records provided at no charge - Closed
Viet Shelton - No responsive records - Closed
Jason Kelly - No responsive records - Closed
Scott Gutierrez - No responsive records - Closed

Scott Lindsay requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Chief of Staff Mike Fong requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Records Provided at no charge - Closed

Mayor Murray - 26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com<mailto:26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com>
Invoiced April 12, 2017 - As of April 26, 2017 no response

I hope that this information and status update on these requests is helpful.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.


Dear Mr. Mocek,

Thank you for your email.

I believe that there is confusion on these requests. You submitted the following requests each with its own specific email address, please see current status on all:

Deputy Mayor Joncas requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
You received records at no charge and submitted an appeal. The appeal was upheld and the request was closed.

Deputy Mayor Kim requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Mayor's PR Staff requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Jeff Reading - Records in final review
Will Lemke - Records provided at no charge - Closed
Megan Coppersmith - Records Provided at no charge - Closed
Drue Nyenhuis- Records provided at no charge - Closed
Viet Shelton - No responsive records - Closed
Jason Kelly - No responsive records - Closed
Scott Gutierrez - No responsive records - Closed

Scott Lindsay requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Chief of Staff Mike Fong requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Records Provided at no charge - Closed

Mayor Murray - 26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com<mailto:26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com>
Invoiced April 12, 2017 - As of April 26, 2017 no response

I hope that this information and status update on these requests is helpful.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.


Dear Mr. Mocek,

Thank you for your email.

I believe that there is confusion on these requests. You submitted the following requests each with its own specific email address, please see current status on all:

Deputy Mayor Joncas requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
You received records at no charge and submitted an appeal. The appeal was upheld and the request was closed.

Deputy Mayor Kim requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Mayor's PR Staff requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Jeff Reading - Records in final review
Will Lemke - Records provided at no charge - Closed
Megan Coppersmith - Records Provided at no charge - Closed
Drue Nyenhuis- Records provided at no charge - Closed
Viet Shelton - No responsive records - Closed
Jason Kelly - No responsive records - Closed
Scott Gutierrez - No responsive records - Closed

Scott Lindsay requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
No responsive records - Closed

Chief of Staff Mike Fong requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Records Provided at no charge - Closed

Mayor Murray - 26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com<mailto:26417-09591300@requests.muchrock.com>
Invoiced April 12, 2017 - As of April 26, 2017 no response

I hope that this information and status update on these requests is helpful.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Ms. Ferreiro,

Thank you for following up. Unfortunately, you responded about multiple requests without informing me of the status of this one. For your convenience: On June 24, 2016, I requested text messages (i.e., SMS messages) and other mobile-phone-based text communications addressed or "CC'd" to Seattle Mayor Ed Murray or any alias of his, sent by the mayor, or sent on behalf of the mayor, in 2016, on personal or work-specific devices operated by or otherwise under the control of Mayor's Press Secretary and Communications Staff, and I requested that if the search for responsive records involves a public employee's good-faith search of his or her personal device, you provide a reasonably detailed affidavit attesting to the nature and extent of that search.

You provided an initial installment of records about two months later in August of 2016 and estimated that you would provide a second installment by early October, then never contacted me about this request again until after I requested a status update this week.

What is the status of that five-months-past-due installment?

Phil Mocek


Dear Mr. Mocek,

our records indicate that I have provided you with a status update on each of your requests as detailed in my April 26, 2017, email to you.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO
Mayor's Office

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Ms. Ferreiro,

Please provide a status update on *this request*--for messages to and from the mayor on work and personal devices of the mayor's press secretary and communications staff. Any updates regarding this request that you may have provided were either sent to the wrong address or were described in such a manner as to be indistinguishable by me from responses to other requests (e.g., providing names of people but no indication of whether they work as press secretaries, chiefs of staff, or in another position.)

If tracking e-mail addresses for specific requests is unduly burdensome for you, would you prefer that in the future I use an alias for each request instead of my own name so that you will not mistakenly co-mingle responses?

Phil Mocek


Hello Mr. Mocek,
I have provided you with the working titles of the requested staff for the Mayor's Communication staff (see below). The City now has a Public Records Portal http://www.seattle.gov/public-records/public-records-request-center which provides great tracking for both the requester and the public records officer. It also allows ease for the requester in invoicing and downloading responsive records. Of course, you are not required to use the portal. If you continue via email, please feel free to use your name for as many requests as you want to submit. These requests proved to be a little challenging to keep track of for various reasons, one being that when I first received the requests I failed to notice that each request had a specific return email address, once I took care of that it went better. Your record request was never "unduly burdensome", I always work hard to ensure that the requester receives the records they are seeking.
Mayor's PR Staff requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com%3cmailto:requests@muckrock.com>>
Jeff Reading - Communications Director - Records in final review
Will Lemke - Press Assistant - Records provided at no charge - Closed
Megan Coppersmith - Interim Press Secretary - Records Provided at no charge - Closed
Drue Nyenhuis- Correspondence Manager - Records provided at no charge - Closed
Viet Shelton - Communications Director - No responsive records - Closed
Jason Kelly - Press Secretary - No responsive records - Closed
Scott Gutierrez - Speech Writer - No responsive records - Closed
Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.

From: Ferreiro, Kimberly

Dear Mr. Mocek,

This is to provide you with a status update on your records request as detailed below:

"Text messages (i.e., SMS messages) and other mobile-phone-based text communications (e.g., Signal Messenger, WhatsApp, Wire, Wickr, Telegram, iMessage, Facebook Chat, SnapChat, Slack, Glip, Facebook and Twitter "direct messages," etc.), addressed or "CC'd" to Seattle Mayor Ed Murray or any alias of his, sent by the mayor, or sent on behalf of the mayor, in 2016, on personal or work-specific devices operated by or otherwise under the control of Mayor's Press Secretary and Communications Staff. In the event that the search for responsive records involves a public employee's good-faith search of his or her personal device, please provide a reasonably detailed, nonconclusory affidavit attesting to the nature and extent of that search."

We anticipate being able to provide you with the final installment of Jeff Readings text messages on or about June 14, 2017.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.

From: Ferreiro, Kimberly

Dear Mr. Mocek,

This is to provide you with a status update on your records request as detailed below:

"Text messages (i.e., SMS messages) and other mobile-phone-based text communications (e.g., Signal Messenger, WhatsApp, Wire, Wickr, Telegram, iMessage, Facebook Chat, SnapChat, Slack, Glip, Facebook and Twitter "direct messages," etc.), addressed or "CC'd" to Seattle Mayor Ed Murray or any alias of his, sent by the mayor, or sent on behalf of the mayor, in 2016, on personal or work-specific devices operated by or otherwise under the control of Mayor's Press Secretary and Communications Staff. In the event that the search for responsive records involves a public employee's good-faith search of his or her personal device, please provide a reasonably detailed, nonconclusory affidavit attesting to the nature and extent of that search."
We have completed your Public Records Request 26422-56552089. The responsive records available (CD) for pick up on the 7th floor of City Hall (600 4th Ave) for $1.00. Alternatively, we can deliver the records to you in electronic format on compact disk by mail. Please provide an address and send $3.50 for the cost of the media and postage to the following address:

Seattle City Hall

Mayor's Office

ATTN: Kimberly Ferreiro

PO Box 94749

Seattle, WA 98124-4749

We will hold the records for thirty days and if we do not hear from you by July 17, 2017, we will consider this request closed.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.

From: MuckRock.com

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $3.50 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Ferreiro, Kimberly

Thank you for your email and payment.

I have just returned from a two week vacation and your check has been received.

I plan on being able to provide your records within the next two days.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.

From: Ferreiro, Kimberly

Dear Mr. Mocek,

RE: Public records request 26422-56552089

Thank you for your payment of $3.50, received in our office on 7/10/2017 (as previously stated, I was on vacation from 7/1 - 7/17):

I have transferred the records onto a CD and will mail them today to the following address as provided with the received payment:

DEPT MR 26422
411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144-2516

Please note that portions of the records were redacted as follows:

Exemption RCW 42.56420(4):

Chief OToole' s phone number was redacted under RCW 42.56.420(4). Providing the number could allow someone to "spoof" or otherwise interfere with an emergency response. It is exempt under RCW 42.56.420(4). In addition, the number is exempt under RCW 42.56.240(1)(see below) because the nondisclosure is also essential to effective law enforcement.

(4) Information regarding the infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications networks, consisting of security passwords, security access codes and programs, access codes for secure software applications, security and service recovery plans, security risk assessments, and security test results to the extent that they identify specific system vulnerabilities, and other such information the release of which may increase risk to the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of agency security, information technology infrastructure, or assets;

Exemption RCW 42.56.240(1):

(1) Those portions of records assembled, prepared, or maintained to prevent, mitigate, or respond to criminal terrorist acts, which are acts that significantly disrupt the conduct of government or of the general civilian population of the state or the United States and that manifest an extreme indifference to human life, the public disclosure of which would have a substantial likelihood of threatening public safety, consisting of:
(a) Specific and unique vulnerability assessments or specific and unique response or deployment plans, including compiled underlying data collected in preparation of or essential to the assessments, or to the response or deployment plans; and
(b) Records not subject to public disclosure under federal law that are shared by federal or international agencies, and information prepared from national security briefings provided to state or local government officials related to domestic preparedness for acts of terrorism

All other redactions were under RCW 42.56.070 and 5.60.060:

Records reflect communication between an assistant city attorney and city employee for the purpose of seeking or providing legal advice.

This is the City of Seattle - Mayor's Office final definitive response to this request and it is now considered closed.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions or concerns.


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO


Kimberly Ferreiro, CPRO

Public Disclosure Advisor
Office of the Mayor
T: (206) 684.3252 | Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov<mailto:Kimberly.ferreiro@seattle.gov>

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring, archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.

From: Office of the Mayor

A copy of documents responsive to the request.


